The Office (US) S3 E8 - 'The Merger' Mini-Review

Good to be back.

Stamford was merged with Scranton in a calamitous episode, as Michael manages to scare an employee into resigning and bringing discord to the office. It was entertaining seeing how the two worlds collided and reacted, with a lot of petty bickering! It is revealed that Jim and Karen are now seeing each other, which is a GREAT decision on his part. Pam seems forlorn that Jim is now taken, so I wonder if she will pursue someone else now. Dwight fighting with Andy for number two spot was another fun sub plot, which contributed to an overall great episode.


  • "No not somebody - Gardner"
  • "Wow you're very exotic looking!"
  • "Follow me, I will show you where all of the slaves work" [To Martin]
  • "Fact: I am older, I am wiser. Do not mess with me"
  • Jim and Ryan's awkward desk stand-off
  • Toby's fist bump getting shut down by Jim
  • "Wrong Toby, this is an orientation, not a bore-ientation"
  • Pam is jealous of Karen!
  • The Lazy Scranton music video is hilarious
  • Karen's Italian accent
  • Andy v. Dwight!
  • Michael sees Jim and Pam talking. Jim - "DONT"
  • "Take a picture, it will last longer"
    • "It's just a little distracting" Creed - "Ditto that my brother" [stares creepily]
  • Stanley's face after the other black guy tries to give him respect
  • "Right place at the right time"
  • [Phyllis to Karen] "You have a lot to learn about this town sweetie"
  • Stanley - "I don't know who these new people think they are. I've sat downwind of Phyllis' stinky perfumes for years. Never said a word"
  • The Integration Celebration
  • "It's just not a good fit" "Well we'll squeeze you in"
  • "I don't think we can do that" "Go home, Toby"
  • "What is with this guy?" "God, now I'll try to explain"
  • "By the end of the fourth grade, the lunch lady is actually the person I hung out with the most"
  • "Yes I know that, for I do read the memos"
  • "Shut it. Suck uuup"
  • Dwight is wearing a Rock 107 t-shirt in his and Michael's music video "Lazy Scranton". Rock 107 is a local classic rock station for the area
  • When Michael and Andy are grinding on Tony, Phyllis can be seen trying not to laugh
  • Jim mentions that the orientation video Michael made for him when he started was based on The Blair Witch Project (1999). The new orientation video, "Lazy Scranton," is a parody of a Saturday Night Live sketch called "Lazy Sunday."
  • In the epilogue scene, Dwight mentions to Andy that his car is an '87 Pontiac Trans Am. However, in the pilot episode, Dwight brags to the new hire, Ryan Howard, that he drives a '78 (Datsun) 280Z
  • Dwight claims to know a lot about animals and nature through out the series. Yet in this episode says he "outran" a black pepper snake. Which is not only commonly docile but is also nonvenomus
RATING: 8.6/10

*Trivia from IMDB


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