The Office (US) S2 E9 - 'Email Surveillance' Mini-Review
In a particularly hilarious episode, Jim hosts a party whilst Michael attends improvisation class. The party is fairly eventful, with Dwight and Angela hooking up and Pam being shook by Phyllis' accusation that she and Jim are an item. It's nice to see the focus on plot in this season, which sits nicely alongside the improved comedic formula to produce a series vastly better than the first. Michael's improv was a highlight, especially his hidden gun skit. I'm glad he was ultimately able to go to Jim's, as he continues to be a likeable but flawed boss who the viewer is inspired to root for.
- That cold open was so inappropriate, but so funny!
- "Stanley's an ass"
- Michael's little punching puppet montage was great
- "You too Dwight?"
- Michael shooting everyone in improv was hilarious
- "He told me he couldn't show it to me but he has a gun" - CREASE
- "There's got to be something else we can talk about"
- "He is a good guy, not a terrorist"
- Jim was kind to Michael at the end, which he deserved after all the put downs he received this episode. First time I actually didn't mind Jim
- Dwight and Angela!!
- Jim's yearbook photo is actually John Krasinski's real life yearbook picture
- In this episode Michael is obsessed with pulling a gun during scenes in his improv class. Steve Carrell says that this was inspired by a former student who, in his own improv days, always used to pull a gun during scenes
- In this episode, Michael talks about his days in college. In the episode "The Fire", Michael admits that he never went to college it is possible he dropped out
- After Michael's Improv class, he overhears the group is going to Bernie's. That would be Bernie's Tavern, 1902 Jackson St. in West Side (Scranton)
- At Michael's Improv class, he steps into a scene with Bill... Bill is played by Ken Jeong, who famously played "Mr. Chow" in The Hangover
RATING: 8.5/10
*Trivia from IMDB
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