The Office (US) S2 E17 - 'Dwight's Speech' Mini-Review

Cancel the Wallpaper.

Michael takes Dwight under his wing as the latter prepares to give a speech as Salesman of the Year. It's a recipe for disaster, as Michael hilariously "jokes" that every one got a bonus, whilst Dwight imitates a dictator on the big night. There were many proper laugh out loud moments in this episode and much of it came from those two aforementioned scenes. There is also more cute moments in Dwight and Angela's relationship this episode. Meanwhile, Jim decides to take a holiday during Pam's wedding. I found his process of announcing his departure quite annoying, as Jim came across petty and self-centred. I also agree with Ryan that there is no way Jim will actually go away. Either way, this is another great episode in season 2.


  • That cold open was HILARIOUS, one of the best ones I have seen! So so funny!
  • [Dwight eating grapes] "that's what she said" - Michael
  • "insult"
  • [Oscar] "I don't care"
  • The fake $1000 bit was just hilarious, especially Stanley and his wallpaper
    • "Cancel the wallpaper"
  • "Is Brad okay?!" - classic Kelly
  • Ryan is starting to be a bit of a dick? Wonder if that will become a trend...
  • Unbelievable how accurate Dwight's Hitler portrayal is
  • "Can you believe that? 1000 guys..."
  • When Michael shows off his awards, there is a photocopy of Jan on the inner door
  • The shoutout Creed says in Chinese translates to "hello Network Changhua friends"
RATING: 8.2/10

*Trivia from IMDB


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