The Office (US) S2 E3 - 'Office Olympics' Mini-Review

Home Sweet Home.

Michael is driven insane by Dwight as he enters into a disastrous deal on a condo, whilst Jim organises Olympic Games in the Office. The constant bickering between Dwight and Michael was really a highlight of this episode, keeping the laughs coming in between cutesie moments during the Office games. Jim's subplot didn't really interest me however, despite its satisfying ending. I still struggle to connect with Jim on any level apart from his seemingly hopeless obsession with Pam. His arrogance is still grating and really makes me sympathise with Michael more.


  • Jim dying of boredom was amusing
    • Hateball haha
    • “Home Sweet Home”
    • “I’ve got a game, it’s called ‘Work Hard So My Kids Can Go To College” classic Stanley!
    • “These babies are THIN”
    • Poor Michael being driven crazy by Dwight at the house
    • “Where are all the hot people?”
    • “Question!”
    • “GAME OVER! Offer Revoked Dwight!”
    • “My heart is very full at this moment” aww
    • Very cute ending, so wholesome
    • The first appearance (in photo with Dwight) of Mose, played by Michael Shur who also wrote this episode
    • Michael's real estate agent, Carol Stills, is portrayed by Steve Carell's wife Nancy (Walls) Carell. Both Steve Carell and Nancy Carell were correspondents for The Daily Show
    • The first episode in the series to have a minor gag before the opening theme which would be featured in future episodes
    • Dwight mentions that he has a 60 acre beet farm. Throughout the series the reference to the size of the beet farm changes
    • During the national anthem Kevin places his left hand over his heart. Everyone else uses their right hand, as is customary
    RATING: 8/10

    *Trivia from IMDB


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