The Office (US) S2 E3 - 'Office Olympics' Mini-Review
Home Sweet Home.
Michael is driven insane by Dwight as he enters into a disastrous deal on a condo, whilst Jim organises Olympic Games in the Office. The constant bickering between Dwight and Michael was really a highlight of this episode, keeping the laughs coming in between cutesie moments during the Office games. Jim's subplot didn't really interest me however, despite its satisfying ending. I still struggle to connect with Jim on any level apart from his seemingly hopeless obsession with Pam. His arrogance is still grating and really makes me sympathise with Michael more.
Jim dying of boredom was amusing
- Hateball haha
- “Home Sweet Home”
- “I’ve got a game, it’s called ‘Work Hard So My Kids Can Go To College” classic Stanley!
- “These babies are THIN”
- Poor Michael being driven crazy by Dwight at the house
- “Where are all the hot people?”
- “Question!”
- “GAME OVER! Offer Revoked Dwight!”
- “My heart is very full at this moment” aww
- Very cute ending, so wholesome
- The first appearance (in photo with Dwight) of Mose, played by Michael Shur who also wrote this episode
- Michael's real estate agent, Carol Stills, is portrayed by Steve Carell's wife Nancy (Walls) Carell. Both Steve Carell and Nancy Carell were correspondents for The Daily Show
- The first episode in the series to have a minor gag before the opening theme which would be featured in future episodes
- Dwight mentions that he has a 60 acre beet farm. Throughout the series the reference to the size of the beet farm changes
- During the national anthem Kevin places his left hand over his heart. Everyone else uses their right hand, as is customary
RATING: 8/10
*Trivia from IMDB
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