The Office (US) S3 E4 - 'Grief Counseling' Mini-Review
Good Grief.
Michael struggles with the idea of dying alone after learning about the passing of his former boss Ed Truck. It's a funny concept that also holds a layer of deeper emotional significance, as we can clearly see Michael's fears in his actions. One of the best scenes from this plot was undoubtedly the counseling session in the conference room, where the Dunder Mifflin employees describe deaths from films and pretend they were their relatives. Pam is clearly getting more confident, which is great to see, as she fully organises the bird funeral and helps Michael grieve. Elsewhere, Jim and Karen grew closer still as they desperately sought a bag of crisps. Their flirtations grew tiresome, but hopefully this will push them along to the dating phase sooner rather than later.
- "We lost Ed Truck" "Okay let me see if I have his cell"
- "Ed was decapitated" - so deadpan!
- The irony that Ed Truck was decapitated by a truck
- "The last thing that they would want is a day off"
- "What the hell are you two talking about?"
- "Wham! His Cappa is detated from his head!"
- "If I can get them depressed, then I'll have done my job"
- Michael's LONG depressing speech! "I am terrible, terribly, terribly alone"
- "I had re-sorbed the other fetus"
- Ryan's Mufasa story
- Michael breaking down over the dead bird
- "Toby killed this bird"
- "You never can tell what your day here is going to turn into"
- Pam organising the funeral was very sweet
- "There were lots of other birds out there who cared for him very much"
- The first cut of this episode lasted 45 minutes
- When Michael calls for a grief counseling circle in the conference room, Pam describes the movie "Million Dollar Baby," Ryan describes "The Lion King," and Kevin describes "Weekend at Bernie's."
- In this episode, the Stamford office discusses the order for "Fairfield County Schools." However, Connecticut schools are not run by counties but rather by individual town and regional districts, meaning Fairfield County wouldn't be the ones placing a paper order
- This episode was filmed after the fifth episode, "Initiation"
- Michael says you can't get diseases from birds. This is false, there are a number of diseases transmittable from Birds to humans. Bird flu, for example
- There is a random woman sitting in the annex by the break room when Michael is talking to Kelly who is crying by the copy machine
- During the bird funeral, the cast wore coats despite the hot summer weather
RATING: 8.4/10
*Trivia from IMDB
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