The Office (US) S2 E2 - 'Sexual Harassment' Mini-Review

What's at Stake.

The second episode of season 2 maintains the momentum created by the first by repeating the popular pattern of producing mini character arcs which resolve in the space of the episode, to convey a positive message. It's a trend which Parks and Recreation perfected, but which also features heavily in The Office (US) moving forward. Michael is able to be at his most inappropriate this episode due to the focus on sexual harassment in the workplace. Misogny is rife throughout 'Sexual Harassment' and feels a bit borderline at times, but ultimately creates enough light hearted laughs to warrant its use in this format. We are also treated to a Toby-centric story-line as the HR rep takes on Michael in a battle to improve conditions in the workplace. The deadpan employee is hilarious in my opinion, as is Michael's relentless hatred towards HR. Overall, the combination is a winning one and the series is improving with every step it takes.

  • “What has two thumbs and hates Todd Packer?”
  • “Except pass that breathalyser”
  • Michael is so savage to Toby! Hilarious!
  • “Also he’s divorced, so he’s really not a part of his family”
  • “This is what’s at stake”
  • Michael calling Stanley’s daughter hot and sexy!
  • “I’m taking it down right now”
  • “Even a one night stand?” – Phyllis!!
  • “Yes she was, DAMMIT KEVIN!”
  • “He’s about 90% sure”
  • “You wouldn’t arrest a guy who’s just delivering drugs from one guy to another”
  • Jim taunting Michael with “that’s what she said” jokes was hilarious!
  • Cute moment where it’s revealed that Pam has told her mum about Jim!
  • Michael’s attempts to defend Phyllis were cute, as he really thought he was helping
  • “I’m the same age as you Michael”
  • “The only thing I’m worried about is getting a boner” !!
  • Todd Packer!!
  • Michael uses his infamous "that's what she said" running joke for the first time
  • The cast and crew have widely credited the show's popularity via downloads on iTunes with first saving it from an early Season 2 cancellation (at a point where NBC had only green-lit six S2 episodes and had pointedly refused to discuss if there would be any more) and then making it into a big hit as word of mouth spread from people who watched episodes on non-TV platforms. John Krasinski talked in one interview about seeing someone watching the "Sexual Harassment" episode on an iPod and then looking up, seeing him and saying "Hey, it's Jim! Hi!"; this made Krasinski feel like the show had broken through to become a success
  • The episode originally aired with an 'adult theme' warning, because of the use of the word "boner"
  • When Michael is asking the warehouse guys for a new joke and they berate him, for some reason the sound of a sheep "baaing" is heard
  • When Michael is rushing his lawyer out of his office, a microphone can be seen at the top left corner of the screen
RATING: 8.3/10

*Trivia from IMDB


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