The Office (US) S2 E5 - 'Halloween' Mini-Review
Michael battles against his better nature when he is forced to fire someone in the office. The dilemma is amusing with scattered gags and chuckles, but the main push here is the emotional weight that this episode held. Seeing Michael so torn over firing an employee was endearing and further encouraged the viewer to empathise with the calamitous boss. Jim and Pam briefly fell out which made a change to their usual interactions, with Pam subtly showing how strong her feelings are for Jim by passionately pushing him towards applying for a better job, despite how much she would miss him. This message combined with Michael's arc in this episode push the characters forward in their respective story-lines, resulting in a compelling watch.
• “Wish I could fire Sherri” “Hey I’m still here”
• Great scene when Michael’s other head argues with Dwight
• “Toothbrushes... pennies… walnuts”
• Stanley laughing at and mocking Dwight
• Dwights failed attempt at brown-nosing Michael backfired hilariously
• Jim and Pam are full wires crossed in this episode, neither getting what the other is meaning. It’s both amusing and frustrating!!
• Creed being savage and survivalist was great
o He plays Michael like a fiddle!
• “I just hope that you and I can remain friends”
• Devon’s exit was so dramatic!
• Poor Michael, he was so dejected at the end!
- Jim reveals that Michael Scott's middle name is Gary
- After the credits, Dwight can be heard saying "Quiet, you!" when the Deedle-Dee Productions logo. This is the only episode to have a quote play over the closing logo
- The noise Creed makes while convincing Michael to not fire him is actually a reference to actor and comedian Jimmy Durante's signature "Ha-Cha-Cha-Chaaaaa!"
- In his departure speech, Devon invites everyone to meet him for drinks except Michael (who fired him), Creed (who suggested he be fired), Dwight (for unknown reasons) and Angela (for unknown reasons)
RATING: 8.1/10
*Trivia from IMDB
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