The Office (US) S3 E6 - 'Diwali' Mini-Review
The Festival of Lights.
Michael's inappropriate jokes were in full swing this episode as the office attended Kelly's family's Diwali celebrations. Ryan was grilled ruthlessly by Kelly's parents in a number of brilliant scenes, whilst Michael proposed, unsuccessfully, to Carol in a cringe-inducing moment. The irritating boss went on to sink even lower by attempting to kiss Pam. It's certainly the lowest we've seen Michael this season, and it will be interesting to see how he brings himself back from this. Karen and Jim meanwhile earned my approval, proving their chemistry is undeniable. Also, it's Rashida freakin' Jones, so WHY is he not leaving the Pam thing behind him and getting with Ann Perkins!! Either way, a solid and gag-filled episode, one of the strongest so far.
- "One of our most ethnic coworkers"
- "Pam wishes"
- "I wish some of us still had our shoes on"
- "At lezst I'm not dressed as a slutty chearleader"
- Wali the whole doctor haha
- Poor Roy
- "Who is this crazy gringo and what is he talking about?"
- Michael's failed proposal
- "How's the naan?" "Dry"
- "Tuna! Are you kidding me!"
- Michael trying to kiss Pam!
- Enjoyed watching Jim crash into a bush
- Karen and Jim are cute
- "If you say one more word I'm stopping the car"
- Michael's 'Diwali' song
- Roles of Kelly's parents were played by Mindy Kaling's real life parents
- One of two times Jim is drunk at work
- This is the first of two times John Krasinski sings 'Closer to Fine' by Indigo Girls on camera, the second being in the movie The Hollars (2016), which he also directs
- In this episode Michael proposes to Carol to no avail. However Carol is played by Steve Carell's wife, Nancy
RATING: 8.7/10
*Trivia from IMDB
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