
Showing posts from February, 2020

The Office (US) S3 E10/11 - 'A Benihana Christmas' Mini-Review

Rebound. A heartbroken Michael heads to a Benihana with the boys after Carol breaks up with him. In the process of moving on, Michael obtains an Asian 'girlfriend' who breaks his heart again. Michael goes through a particularly emotional character arc in this episodes as he learns to deal with the pains of love. Love was also in the air at the office Christmas party, as Dwight sang to Angela and Kelly held Ryan a little too close. Jim and Pam broke down more of the awkwardness between them and grew closer. Jim didn't seem to feel comfortable seeing Karen and Pam getting along, which doesn't bode well for his relationship with Karen. If he breaks up with the hottest in the office then I am going to be very disappointed in a character I already struggle to relate to. Pam and Roy also got along swimmingly at the party, as Jim glanced on longingly (another bad sign). Overall, this extended episode was excellent and had enough room to really explore the characters more ...

The Office (US) S3 E9 - 'The Convict' Mini-Review

Don't Drop The Soap. Michael is left flustered when ex convict Martin reveals that prison sounds much nicer than working at Dunder Mifflin. Prison Mike is a hilarious scene, I just loved how strongly Michael stayed in character. Karen and Jim continue to seem like a perfect match, as Pam grows ever more jealous. The funniest part of this episode is the fact that Michael has managed to drive ANOTHER ex-Stamford employee to resignation via his inappropriate antics. It seems that their numbers are dwindling fast! Overall, an amusing episode, but not as strong as its immediate predecessors. BEST MOMENTS [Stanley sees the baby] "Fantastic" Michael's awful breasts joke at the start "Unless they mean Toby. Convicted rapist" "Why am I a racist?" "Because you think he's black" "absolutely you should." "Jackpot" Love how they made PRISON sound better than Dunder Mifflin! "They would rather be in the hole...

The Office (US) S3 E8 - 'The Merger' Mini-Review

Good to be back. Stamford was merged with Scranton in a calamitous episode, as Michael manages to scare an employee into resigning and bringing discord to the office. It was entertaining seeing how the two worlds collided and reacted, with a lot of petty bickering! It is revealed that Jim and Karen are now seeing each other, which is a GREAT decision on his part. Pam seems forlorn that Jim is now taken, so I wonder if she will pursue someone else now. Dwight fighting with Andy for number two spot was another fun sub plot, which contributed to an overall great episode. BEST MOMENTS "No not somebody - Gardner" "Wow you're very exotic looking!" "Follow me, I will show you where all of the slaves work" [To Martin] "Fact: I am older, I am wiser. Do not mess with me" Jim and Ryan's awkward desk stand-off Toby's fist bump getting shut down by Jim "Wrong Toby, this is an orientation, not a bore-ientation" Pam is jea...

The Office (US) S3 E7 - 'Branch Closing' Mini-Review

It's Over. In the best episode so far this season, the Scranton branch is informed that it's being closed. It was nice to see validation for Michael however, when it was revealed that Josh had bailed on the company and joined Staples. Michael, as Jim aptly said, would never have done that. Thus, it is Stamford that is closing, which will be a shame in one sense as it was fun having two different office sets, but it will certainly be interesting to see how the new personalities clash in the office. Also, Karen has announced she likes Jim. Jim buddy, OPEN YOUR EYES!!! Anyway, every one loves a good love triangle so Pam/Jim/Karen will be great to watch. BEST MOMENTS That cold open!! Dwight smashing the mug out of Stanley's hand was hilarious! "Just call me Levinson in the morrrrning, baaaaaaby" "Don't hurt me like I hurt you" "You think Stanley's grow on trees? They don't." "It's over." "We are screwed...

The Office (US) S3 E6 - 'Diwali' Mini-Review

The Festival of Lights. Michael's inappropriate jokes were in full swing this episode as the office attended Kelly's family's Diwali celebrations. Ryan was grilled ruthlessly by Kelly's parents in a number of brilliant scenes, whilst Michael proposed, unsuccessfully, to Carol in a cringe-inducing moment. The irritating boss went on to sink even lower by attempting to kiss Pam. It's certainly the lowest we've seen Michael this season, and it will be interesting to see how he brings himself back from this. Karen and Jim meanwhile earned my approval, proving their chemistry is undeniable. Also, it's Rashida freakin' Jones, so WHY is he not leaving the Pam thing behind him and getting with Ann Perkins!! Either way, a solid and gag-filled episode, one of the strongest so far. BEST MOMENTS "One of our most ethnic coworkers" "Pam wishes" "I wish some of us still had our shoes on" "At lezst I'm not dressed as a...

The Office (US) S3 E5 - 'Initiation' Mini-Review

Pretzel Day. Ryan bonds with Dwight as the latter teaches him about being a salesman. It's a fun romp through Dwight's crazed mind and it's cute to see Ryan actually learning from the initiation. Meanwhile, Pretzel Day was a Stanley-fuelled delight, with Michael completing a huge sale during a sugar rush and Pam doing her best to help Michael keep his job when Jan threatens him. Jim and Pam are also reunited briefly over the phone in and awkward but telling call. It seems they can't really move on from each other, so maybe the big hook up is just around the corner. BEST MOMENTS The Dwight Army of Champions "I am going to plant my seed in you" - Dwight to Ryan Stanley - "Well I like pretzel day" Love how Stanley supports Michael for the first time, and it's over Phyllis cutting in to the queue to say hi to her fiance! "Welcome... TO SCHRUTE FARM!" Cute how Pam is trying to help Michael be productive so he doesn't get f...

The Office (US) S3 E4 - 'Grief Counseling' Mini-Review

Good Grief. Michael struggles with the idea of dying alone after learning about the passing of his former boss Ed Truck. It's a funny concept that also holds a layer of deeper emotional significance, as we can clearly see Michael's fears in his actions. One of the best scenes from this plot was undoubtedly the counseling session in the conference room, where the Dunder Mifflin employees describe deaths from films and pretend they were their relatives. Pam is clearly getting more confident, which is great to see, as she fully organises the bird funeral and helps Michael grieve. Elsewhere, Jim and Karen grew closer still as they desperately sought a bag of crisps. Their flirtations grew tiresome, but hopefully this will push them along to the dating phase sooner rather than later. BEST MOMENTS "We lost Ed Truck" "Okay let me see if I have his cell" "Ed was decapitated"  - so deadpan! The irony that Ed Truck was decapitated by a truck ...

The Office (US) S3 E3 - 'The Coup' Mini-Review

I Know What You Did. In a more focused episode, Dwight attempts to take Michael's job after Angela fears that the latter will drive their branch into the ground. What ensues is a funny game of chicken, as Michael attempts to goad the truth out of his traitorous employee. I was surprised how quickly Dwight turned, considering how loyal he was in the past, but this was still an enjoyable story. Jim's plot this episode was relatively thin, as he tried (and failed abysmally) to improve at Call of Duty so he can join in with the rest of his branch. There was an amusing moment when Josh called a team meeting to discuss tactics, but other than that it seemed the main function of this subplot was to set up Karen as a love interest for Jim. HOW he has managed to pull Rashida Jones I have no idea, but that is one lucky man. Overall, this episode was light on laughs but dramatic and eventful. BEST MOMENTS “You were at the dentist?” Jan asking Dwight where the earring store was...

The Office (US) S3 E2 - 'The Convention' Mini-Review

The Paper Industry. Michael butted heads with Stamford boss Josh this episode as he competed for Jim's friendship. It was fun seeing the gang get out of the office again, particularly Jim reuniting with Dwight and Michael. The Scranton boss' calamitous attempts to be popular were amusing and the episode also carried some emotional weight as we see both Jim and Pam trying (and failing) to move on. The sub-plot about Pam's date was fun too, especially moments where Creed, Stanley and Phyllis weighed in on the subject. The supporting cast feels like it is being brought even FURTHER into the fold now, with Toby developing a crush on Pam and Josh taking on Michael in an attempt to save their respective branches. Overall, an entertaining episode, albeit lacking the laughs to earn it a better rating. BEST MOMENTS "I want you to look into how much a little Chinese baby would cost" Pam agreeing to have a kid with Michael if she hasn't had one in 30 years hah...

The Office (US) S3 E1 - 'Gay Witch Hunt' Mini-Review

Gay, Good. Michael finds himself in hot water when his inappropriate antics force Oscar to come out to his colleagues. The fallout is The Office (US)  at its cringe-inducing best, as poor Oscar is subjected to Michael's attempts to make him feel more comfortable. There are problematic homophobic elements littered throughout the episode, however one can argue that this is representative of that aspect of society which lingers to this day. The humour manages to stand out nonetheless, as season 3 begins strongly. It's fun seeing Jim in a new environment as well, particularly one featuring Rashida Jones (one of my strongest celebrity crushes). Hopefully this change of scenery will allow the show to remain new and fresh as it enters its third rendition. The final big reveal in this premier was that Roy and Pam have broken up off-screen! Pam, it seems, has finally realised how awful that relationship was. Now the stage is set for Jim and Pam to reunite. BEST MOMENTS Ryan n...

The Office (US) Season 2 Review

Take Two. The Office (US) improves immeasurably in its second outing, focusing more explicitly on its diverse range of characters to create a deeper sense of plot, whilst also refining its comedy to near-perfection. The show achieves all of this by striving to forge its own path, rather than imitating its British counterpart. The script feels more naturally adapted to its American locale, pursuing a different sort of humour which encourages laughs rather than cringe. This is blended with a desire to create each episode as if it were a mini-arc for the characters involved. This heightened focus on emotional investment makes watching the twenty odd episodes so much more rewarding. In terms of plot points and character arcs this season, I was impressed with how the show handled Jim and Pam. I was completely unable to connect to Jim in the first season, for reasons mentioned in my series review. However, the problems were rectified in this sophomore outing for the show, as Jim...

The Office (US) S2 E22 - 'Casino Night' Mini-Review

Love. Season 2 packed a punch with its emotional finale, as Michael finds himself stuck in a love triangle and Jim finally reveals his feelings to Pam. Michael's love life has featured often this season and this was an entertaining conclusion to his first romantic arc. Clearly he still has feelings for Jan, but he was respectful in how he chose Carol, in order to respect Jan's demands (which always seem to contradict her desires). The biggest moment though is when Jim tells Pam that he loves her, a moment where I genuinely felt for the character for the first time. He then went and ruined this moments later however, by forcing a kiss on the unsuspecting Pam. It felt unnecessary and needy for a character who had just laid his cards on the table and should've left Pam alone after she rejected him. It is at least, a compelling cliffhanger and one which sets up much drama entering season 3! BEST MOMENTS: Dwight - "Oh my God" "Maybe he did it" [Kel...

The Office (US) S2 E21 - 'Conflict Resolution' Mini-Review

Till Death Do Us Part. Michael's attempts to resolve long running conflicts in the office results in everybody falling out in a more downbeat but still entertaining episode. I always enjoy when Michael clashes with Toby and this was no exception! Meanwhile, both Dwight and Angela and Pam and Jim see developments in their relationship. It is revealed that Angela removed her complaints about Dwight, which is sweet, whereas Pam discovers that Jim complained about her in an awkward encounter. It seems Jim really may move on to different things now that he has upset the girl he loves and ruined any slight chance he may have had of making her change her mind about the wedding. Another solid entry in season 2. BEST MOMENTS "Is that a disguise?!" "Your answer to everything is to get divorced" Creed having his photo taken like a mugshot! The Special File in New York haha Meredith "The lights are too bright" "Creed is sick of looking at the r...

The Office (US) S2 E20 - 'Drug Testing' Mini-Review

Security. After a joint is found in the parking lot, Dwight undertakes an investigation to discover the culprit. The result is a number of hilarious interrogations, whilst Michael tries to cover his tracks. Dwight and Michael went through a sweet character arc in this episode, as Dwight felt shame for betraying his oath, thus Michael promoted him to Security Supervisor as a reward for his help. Meanwhile, I actually liked Jim and Pam's story in this entry. Maybe it was because Jim didn't speak, or maybe it was because his face said more words than he ever could, but the longing for something better was palpable with both characters. As the season finale grows closer, I hope we see a development in the Pam/Jim arc before season 3. BEST MOMENTS "Dwight finding drugs is more dangerous than most people using drugs" Pam's Phyllis impression is adorable "Narc!" "He's a potential drug mule" "That is Northern Lights Cannabis Indi...

The Office (US) S2 E19 - 'Michael's Birthday' Mini-Review

Respect the Birthday. Michael is at his selfish worst in a darkly comedic episode, which sees the calamitous boss endure an awful birthday in the office, whilst Kevin awaits news about whether he has skin cancer or not. Michael is hilarious throughout the episode, and somehow Carell manages to come across as both horrible and caring at the same time, a balance only this character could strike. Jim and Pam grew much closer in this episode too, as the pair flirted regularly during their shopping saga. Whilst not as brilliant as its immediate predecessors, 'Michael's Birthday' is an amusing and satisfying episode. BEST MOMENTS "his father runs the freakin' country!" "How is this not a pyramid scheme?" "I have to go make a call" Michael forcing Jan to say happy birthday to him haha "Well I guess I forgot to give you a donut!" Michael thinking the delivery girl is his strippergram!! Michael's pony and cart story is ...