The Office (US) S4 E3/4 - 'Dunder Mifflin Infinity' Mini-Review

Life and Business.

Ryan returns to Scranton to implement the new Dunder Mifflin website, which prompts Michael into panic mode as he believes he could lose his job for being too old. Michael's sections in the episode were the weakest parts this time around, with his gift basket sketches falling flat on a number of occasions. The best parts was seeing Ryan interacting with all his old coworkers. He is now such a cocky, irritable b*stard and it adds spice to the office environment. Kelly trying to win back her old flame was amusing, as were Creed's attempts to be young, but ultimately this episode felt week when compared to its predecessor. Character development continued but at the expense of good comedy.


  • Toby's 'fun little way' of congratulating Jim and Pam haha
  • "Pam is the office mattress" - SAVAGE from Angela!
  • "You might want to trim it a little"
  • Kelly dressing up all nice for Ryan's return
  • "He killed an entire family of raccoons"
  • Toby - "let's just wait and see what happens"
  • "I miss you man and I love you. His words."
  • "You, me, Sammy, Phyllis, that chick you hit with a car, we're goners!"
  • "Hey Pam, by the way it's great that you're dating, but when a new client calls, you just have to randomly assign  them to a salesperson. You can't base who gets new clients on who you're sleeping with that week" - the SASS from Phyllis!!
  • "I am dating a lot of guys... black guys mainly"
  • Kelly's fake pregnancy
  • Jan and Ryan's tense stand-off
  • Creed being young
  • Michael re-using old pictures for his presentation
  • "Who is this old fart?"
  • "I think that I should help him get home"
  • Poor Dwight :((
  • Kevin calling Jim Tuna
  • "I have a few of my own that I want someday" [Michael on children]
  • "Did you get the rental insurance? Because that is pretty important too at a time like this"
  • Ryan getting PIED asking Pam out!
  • "I guess he can't get any girl he wants"
  • "We'll bill you"
  • At one point Dwight says he has a grandfather "still puttering around in Argentina" and Dwight's attempt to visit him was protested by the Shoah Foundation, which is an organization dedicated to furthering the remembrance of the Holocaust. It is often implied that Dwight's German relatives were Nazis. Upon the ending of World War II, many Nazis fled to Argentina. Dwight's grandfather living in Argentina could mean he was a high-ranking Nazi officer. Josef Mengele, Adolf Eichmann and other high-ranking Nazis fled to Argentina
  • In a deleted scene from the previous episode, The Office: Fun Run (2007), Michael says that he makes his own salad dressing by mixing together Newman's Own Ranch and Italian salad dressings. In this episode, you can see a jar of it (named Great Scott with Michael's face on the label) on his desk when he's having lunch with Jan.
  • When threatened by Ryan's ageism, Creed dyes his hair black. Later in the conference room, Michael is asked why he re-used some pictures for his presentation and he says the printer was out of ink. The camera immediately zooms in on Creed looking slightly guilty, implying Creed used black printer ink to dye his hair
  • On the calendar board behind Angela a message reading "In case you haven't noticed, there is a lot of colorful hooey on the board!" appears on 4th of the month. A colorful Easter Egg most likely put there by the production crew, it can be seen at around the 23:18 minute mark
  • The dry erase calendar on the wall next to Angela's desk has clearly not been updated since season 3. It refers to both Karen and Ryan being employees at Dunder Mifflin Scranton
  • Michael mentions that he was once told he couldn't move on to second grade, and that he "eventually aced second grade". It's often mentioned throughout the show that Michael and Phyllis are the same age/graduated the same year. If he was held back in elementary school, this would actually make him at least 1 year older than Phyllis
  • Michael Scott (Steve Carell) calls Ryan (B.J. Novak) a "Little Man" when he returns to the office. "Little Man" was the nickname that the Nazis give to Novak's character in Inglourious Basterds, which would be released two years after this episode
  • Dwight's attempts to give Angela a cat then abandons it at Vance Refrigeration. Andy later finds a cat outside Vance and gives it to Angela. (Season 4 episode 4)
RATING: 8.3/10

*Trivia from IMDB


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