The Office (US) S4 E17 - 'Job Fair' Even-Smaller-Review

New Blood.

  • "Youth-anise this place"
  • Dwight on Darryl in a suit - "maybe he's going to church. Or court."
  • Michael roasting the warehouse - "they definitely 'aint going to college"
  • Andy - "got some blisties"
  • Creed - "Yeh and I finished my work months ago"
  • Michael savaging Justin
  • "And that is why I need a smart intern"
  • "Kids are very wary of being lured these days, thank you Dateline!"
  • "Hiya pumpkin, it's Creed. Say we're gonna ditch this bitch, you in?"
  • "Are you serious?" "Yes, and don't call me Shirley"
  • Seeing Jim actually try at his job is making me kinda warm to his character
  • "Pam Beesley, office hottie. She will do you"
  • Michael - "I would never say this to her face, but she is a wonderful person and a gifted artist" !!!! MICHAEL!
    • Oscar voicing all our thoughts - "What?! Why WOULDN'T you say that to her face?!"
  • Dwight and Angela working in COMPLETE silence for the entire day despite being the only two in the office!
  • "The Air Force?" [Air Force give Michael dirty looks] "Air Force is cool"
  • Michael's proud smile looking at Jim
  • Pam might be getting into graphic design!
  • Angela Kinsey was pregnant during filming, which is why she was shot behind a filing cabinet, and from the waist up
  • When Justin signs the blank piece of paper he signs it "Justin E". Later on, he tells Michael that his last name is Polznik
  • This episode includes two guest appearances by actors from other sitcoms. Justin (Trevor Einhorn), who played Frederick, the son of Frasier Crane in Frasier (1993), and the "student" played by Charlie McDermott, who starred in The Middle (2009) as Axl
  • At the end of "Job Fair", when Pam is inquiring about the art program, the guy she is talking to is Nick who is the I.T. Guy for Sabre in season 6 & onwards
RATING: 8.3/10

*Trivia from IMDB


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