The Office (US) S4 E10 - 'Branch Wars' Even-Smaller-Review
Big Butt, Bigger Heart.
- KAREN IS BACK! And penger than ever damnnnnn
- "Turns out it's a pretty easy gig when your boss isn't an idiot and your boyfriend's not in love with somebody else" - DAMNNN yes Karen!! You deserve wayyy better than Jim (a.k.a. me, hmu gal).
- "Sometimes, most of the time I will be with Ryan... or Darryl"
- "You cannot take the hilarious black guy from the office" - so true!!
- "Mo money mo problems Stanley, you of all people should know that"
- The Finer Things club - love the randomness of the trio haha
- "Besides having sex with men, I would say that the Finer Things club is the gayest thing about me"
- Michael trying to give Toby to Karen
- "Ugh I can't do it, Toby is the worst"
- "Aren't you the guy who hit that woman with a car?" "Get out."
- Michael staring at Toby dressed up - "OH MY GOD"
- "We are going to make Karen wish that she'd never been dumped by you"
- Dwight almost convincing Michael to make real bombs
- That shot of the three guys in costume is quality and the comedic timing was perfect
- "Do you want the afro-wig?"
- "Dwight - NOTHING with the eyes"
- Phyllis and that f*cking microwave!
- "The eyes are the groin of the head"
- "Jim if this is it for me promise me something... host the Dundies"
- "If you so much as harm a hair on Stanley's head, we will burn Utica to the ground"
- Jim fumbling up ALL of his words in front of Karen was hilarious, he's rarely lost for words
- "Wanted: middle-aged black man with sass"
- "Is he some sort of secret genius?" *laughs* "sometimes I say crazy things!"
- Oscar and Toby hating on Jim in the Finer Things club was also genius
- During the meeting of the Finer Things Club, the teapot on the table is the one Pam received from Jim in S2Ep10 "Christmas Party"
- While playing his own alphabet game in the car, Michael gets stuck on what "A" word he could use as something to sell. Moments later he and Jim hear Dwight urinating in a can in the back seat and try to identify the sound; Michael incorrectly guesses that it is the air conditioning. Air conditioners could have been the very word Michael could have used for his alphabet game
RATING: 8.7/10
*Trivia from IMDB
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