The Office (US) S3 E17 - 'Business School' Mini-Review
A Good Manager.
Ryan brings Michael in to discuss Dunder Mifflin at business school, although soon Michael becomes upset upon learning that the former temp believes his beloved company is doomed. It was moving to see how upset Michael became when defending the job he loves, serving as a reminder to how much he really enjoys his role in an office. What started off as a strop, developed into Michael actually teaching Ryan an invaluable lesson about business - that people matter. The sub-plot this episode saw Pam displaying her work at an art show, which sadly none of her friends go to see. Roy is clearly trying harder to keep Pam now but it is clear that he hasn't changed that much and still doesn't pay much attention to his girlfriend's feelings or hobbies. The highlight of the episode came when Michael visited Pam's exhibition, being genuinely appreciative of her work and being the first person to pay her any form of real compliment all day. It proved that despite being inappropriate and often rude, deep down Michael is trying his hardest to be a good boss and role model for his employees. And you know what? Sometimes he really is a great manager. Oh, the bat stuff was fun too. A very good episode!
- Michael's story about his inappropriate teacher
- "You understand nobody's graduating?"
- "Sometimes you're such a little spazz"
- "Campus brings back so many memories that I would've made"
- The bat chaos
- Ryan savaging Dunder Mifflin!!
- Jim trying to convince Dwight that he's a vampire haha
- Michael tearing up that kid's textbook!
- Michael's corny chocolate bar jokes
- "What they do, it's not art" - brilliant
- Michael explaining profit to business school students
- "Write that down" - everyone types
- "I shot [a werewolf] once, but by the time I got to it, it had turned back into my neighbour's dog"
- Creed getting asked if he has the tools to make a stake - "What size?" ! such a good moment
- "How's your Polack-says-what index?" - amazing
- Kelly changing her mind "kill it! kill it!"
- "He doesn't know anything and neither do you" - mic drop!
- "Business is always personal"
- "Goodbye Jim [raises stake mop] and good luck"
- Whhy is Roy always bringing his brother places?!
- "Your art was the prettiest art of all the art" - oh Roy
- Michael was surprisingly wise in his choice of how to deal with Ryan, along with his heartfelt statement "People will never go out of business"
- Oscar and Gil are so cruel about Pam's art!! So peak :(
- Michael appreciating Pam's art was the highlight of the episode - so sweet!
- "I am really proud of you" - Michael really is just trying to be a good boss deep down
- Michael's chunky in his pocket haha
- "Without paper, it could not have happened.. unless you had a camera"
- Kelly's excitement over Ryan being moved to next to her
- Joss Whedon directed this episode, and later went on to direct The Avengers and The Avengers: Age of Ultron; John Kransinski was poised to be cast as Captain America before Chris Evans was chosen
- The bat used on set was a combination of a mechanical bat, animated bat, and live bat
- Joss Whedon directed this episode with a subplot involving Jim transforming into a vampire. Whedon also created Buffy the Vampire Slayer. His vamp mythology is borrowed heavily in this episode
- When Joss Whedon found out the script for the episode involved a bat and a joke about Jim turning into a vampire, he was initially surprised by the idea and assumed the writing staff was playing a joke on him. But they insisted that his directing this particular episode was completely random
- In this episode Michael mentions a former teacher called Mr. Handel. "Handel" is actually the danish word for business which may refer to the title of the episode
RATING: 9/10
*Trivia from IMDB
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