The Office (US) S4 E18/19 - 'Goodbye Toby' Even-Smaller-Review
Love At First Sight.
- "Oh my goodness, you sound sexy"
- "Just a matter of hours now until His Horribleness has left the building"
- "How do you feel?" "Fine. Good." "I feel weird"
- "How much anti-gravity potion do you want?"
- Phyllis taking over the party planning committee!
- Pam is going to art school!
- "You know Dwight, sometimes I think you say things just to agree with me"
- "Anti-gravity... anti-depressants? I can put you through to somebody for that?" Phyllis - "Ok"
- "They hired a female Toby. Good for the world."
- Even the new HR girl is savage to Toby!
- Creed being unable to tell Holly what he does - "Qua something... Qual... Wuabbity Ashwance! No.. but I'm getting close"
- Dwight convincing Holly that Kevin is retarded
- Toby getting a photo of everyone apart from Pam!
- N3P music
- "Welcome to Scranton and I love you"
- Jim is gonna propose!!
- Damnn Jim standing up to Ryan was badass tbf
- "So are you in town this weekend?... because I'm not"
- Holly is actually perfect for Michael! madness...
- Phyllis pushing Angela's books off the table
- Toby's exit interview!!
- "Toby has been cruisin' for a bruisin' for 12 years and I am now his cruise director and my name is Captain Bruisin'"
- "Who do you think you are?" "I'm Toby."
- [Michael whispering] "I'll kill you"
- Toby's present!! "Suck on this"
- Dwight - "You did, you made me wrap it"
- Pam making Michael give Toby his watch
- Ryan getting busted for fraud!! Didn't see that one coming!
- Oscar - "The real crime I think, was the beard"
- Kelly's plan to visit Ryan in prison
- Michael - "I'm pretty sure she's baked on a professional level"
- Michael actually refrained from saying that's what she said! He must really like this woman wow
- Mose is always hilarious love that guy
- Michael's child-like excitement at Holly touching his arm
- Angela being bitter about Phyllis putting on a great party
- Pam always thought Toby was cute!! of course!!
- "It's a big day for him [Kevin]" Michael - "yeh, that's true"
- OH wait it's not Michael's ://
- Angela saying "Okay" hahaha
- Dwight - "Well.... it's my own fault" - I feel so bad for him!!
- "Mr Andrew Bernard... it's got a nice ring to it"
- Michael rejected Holly WTF?! So many sad moments in this episode :(
- Michael taking the security guard to walk Toby out
- The voice of the woman that Phyllis talks to on the phone about the anti-gravity machine is Amy Ryan (who also plays Holly Flax)
- This episode was Steve Carell's submission for Emmy consideration
- Angela Kinsey is pregnant in the last few episodes of the fourth season. It is noticeable some of the time, especially in her face but there is always either something blocking her stomach or she is behind a desk or table. The only partial shot on her body was when the Office employee opened the ground floor door to the carnival party at the parking lot
- The members of Darryl's band are actual members of Craig Robinson's band
- This is the 14th (19th if you count the two parters as two parts) and final episode of the fourth season, which was shortened considerably by the Writers' Guild of America strike
- Throughout this episode, Phyllis can be seen wearing a bandage under her left eye. It's very easy to catch in the scene when Jim talks to Phyllis about chipping in for fireworks
- In the cold opening, Jim answers his phone and talks to Dwight's "mater" (mother) but in an earlier episode, after Dwight killed Angela's cat he says they could bury the cat in the East field by his mother
- During actors Angela Kinsey and Rainn Wilson's intimate scene at the end, Angela Kinsey was pregnant. She later complained in an interview that Rainn had eaten a tuna sandwich before the scene and because she was pregnant and extra sensitive to smell she had a hard time kissing Rainn
- When the office workers are watching the YouTube video of Ryan's arrest, you can see the the video was added on April 16, 2008; giving a clue to when the finale was filmed, and also slightly upsetting continuity (the episode was set in May instead of April)
- When Andy proposes to Angela in season 4, his parents are shown. These actors are recast later on in the show when Andy hosts a party for Robert California at Schrute farms
RATING: 8.8/10
*Trivia from IMDB
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