The Office (US) S3 E24/25 - 'The Job' Mini-Review
Love is a Mystery.
In an eventful and emotional episode, Jim, Karen and Michael all interview for a position in corporate. After getting back together with Jan because she got a boob job, Michael finds himself in an uncomfortable position when the job he is interviewing for turns out to be hers. It sets up a very funny breakdown scene, although it leaves the future of the toxic couple shrouded in mystery. I'm not even sure if they are still together or not after this finale. The other huge event ended up being Jim choosing to BAIL on both the corporate position AND his relationship with Karen to date Pam. Whilst cute it its intent, I can't believe Jim wasn't happy with Karen. She seems so much more fun and adventurous than Pam, not to mention she is RASHIDA JONES. Unbelievable decision, but I'll remain open to the idea of Jim and Pam as a couple. I will admit that if nothing else, it was a sweet ending to the season. The subplots revolving around Dwight taking over Michael's position in his absence was amusing for sure, although the real pull here was the action taking place in New York. I also have to give a shoutout to that real shocker of a cliffhanger when it's revealed that RYAN has been given the corporate job! That is sure to throw a spanner in the works moving forwards! Overall, a great ending to a very strong season. This is The Office (US) at its best and I hope season 4 can continue this momentum.
- "Thought I'd catch a show" "In the middle of a work day?" "Nooo."
- "I have got it made in the shade... Hey Pam, yeah I forgot what day the interview was, and I drove to New York accidentally. I'll be like three hours late"
- Jim's "sexy hot" haircut
- "Congratulations a-wipe, don't screw the pooch"
- "Pam is kind of a bitch" - DAMNNN!
- "It was patheticville, no offence Pam"
- Michael's AWFUL sale of his condo
- Angela - "Goodbye Kelly Kapur" - THIS EPISODE IS SAVAGE!
- Dwight's hunt for a new no.2 - ideal choice? "Jack Bauer"
- "What about Meredith?" "No, she's an alternate"
- "I didn't get both of your messages"
- Pam vs. Karen is getting more intense!!!
- DEFCON 20!
- Michael giving Jan a second chance because she got a boob job!!
- Creed - "swing low sweet chariots"
- "Your advice was good but Jan's was bigger"
- "Just say I want to squeeze them"
- Schrute Bucks
- Super Duper Paper
- Michael is applying for Jan's job!!!
- "You have been deducted 50 Schrute Bucks" "Make it 100"
- Jan's breakdown!
- Jim's forlorn look when he hears "Dunder Mifflin this is Grace"
- Michael - "I am going nowhere"
- JIM FINALLY ASKED OUT PAM! Cute, but also HOW COULD YOU F*CK WITH RASHIDA JONES LIKE THAT MAN?! One of the worst decisions I have ever seen and that poor, beautiful girl never put a foot wrong. Mistakes have been made Jimbo, and it's a shame.
- It won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Single Camera Picture Editing for a Comedy Series
- Creed's blog was a real website between 2007 and 2008. It is no longer active, but it can be found on Internet Archive
- This episode is the second hour-long episode of the season
- When Dwight asks Andy what the best color is during his interview, Andy says white, and Dwight responds, "Wrong, black. It is the most dominant." Technically neither black nor white are considered colors, they are "shades" or "values"
- Near the end of the episode, during Jim's interview, David Wallace talks about Kendall, the corporate HR rep and starts complaining about him just like Michael does about Toby. He even makes a blech sound
- When Jim came back from New York and asked Pam out for a dinner, Jenna Fischer didn't know that was happening. The crew wanted to surprise her that her character, Pam, will finally go on a date with Jim
- John Krasinzki got his hair cut to film the movie Leatherheads, which was explained as Jim getting a haircut for the interview at Karen's recommendation
- Pam's secret note to Jim: "don't forget us when you're famous!" and Jim's trip back to the office to see her are a subtle mirroring of a scene in the original UK Office. In the Christmas special, Dawn Tinsley (Pam's analogue) finds a touching note from Tim in her bag and rushes back to the Christmas party to kiss him
- The title of the episode is obviously referring to the job that Michael, Jim, and Karen are interviewing for at corporate, but it could also refer to Jan's boob job in a sense
- Dwight offers Pam the position of Secret Assistant to the Regional Manager position, which she responds saying "Absolutely I do". She points out this is due to Jim providing this line in case Dwight ever asks for a secret offer. This is in reference to 'The Alliance' from season 1 where Dwight offers Jim a secret alliance in the office in case of downsizing and Jim gives Dwight the exact same response
- Pam's note to Jim also includes a Yoplait yogurt lid. This is a reference to the "gold medals" awarded during the season 2 episode "Office Olympics."
RATING: 9/10
*Trivia from IMDB
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