The Office (US) S3 E16 - 'Phyllis's Wedding' Mini-Review
Employer of the Bride.
Michael is tasked with pushing Phyllis' father down the aisle on her big day. Naturally, it ends in calamity as he is 'upstaged' by Elbert getting up and walking Phyllis down the isle himself. There was numerous cute moments in this episode, between Phyllis and Bob, Jim and Karen, Dwight and Angela and even Pam and Roy got back together (uh oh). I expected this episode to induce more cringe than laughter, but it was surprinsgly hilarious with numerous fresh jokes and one-liners. Overall, one of the best of the season.
- Jim's experiment on Dwight
- The Cameraman getting Michael out of the picture haha
- "It's a big day for Phyllis, but it's an even bigger day for me"
- "You look as beautiful as the Queen of England" - adorable
- "If you want to vomit, that's ok. I did"
- "You're probably worried about pleasing Bob"
- Michael's anger over the wheelchair debacle
- "Easy Rider" !!!
- Roy finally apologising to Pam
- Dwight and Angela's cute dance outside
- Ryan pushing the bouquet away from Kelly
- "Even the doctor didn't know" "Dude keep it together"
- "You found Uncle Al!" "Yeh he's kind of a weirdo"
- Phyllis kissing Michael on the cheek and making his day
- Davey Faragher, bassist for Elvis Costello's band, The Imposters, performs the role of bass player in wedding band, Scrantonicity
- Stanley and his wife, and Jim and Karen both bring wedding gifts they reveal to each other as toasters. "Unbelievable", Stanley mutters sarcastically. Stanley mentioned in "Gay Witch Hunt" that he purchased a toaster as a gift to Pam and Roy for their canceled wedding, and subsequently became a two-toaster household
- Kevin's Band "Scrantonicity" is a play on words of an album by The Police, titled Synchronicity. During the reception at Phyllis' Wedding the songs they are shown playing are covers of songs by The Police
- This episode marks the fourth time an expletive has been censored
- The top of the wedding cake in this episode had a bride and groom facing a small white refrigerator. The groom's cake was a small silver refrigerator. The reason for the refrigeration theme was because the groom, Bob Vance, is known as "Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration"
- Oscar is seen, albeit briefly, in a few scenes with Gil, including a moment where Michael is giving his speech about Phyllis
- When Phyllis is throwing her bouquet into the crowd of women, you clearly see it going directly to Kelly but right before she can catch it Ryan blocks her
- Jake Kalendar's second and final appearance as a young Michael Scott
RATING: 8.9/10
*Trivia from IMDB
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