Arrow S2 E1 - 'City of Heroes' Review
Trying Another Way.
Arrow is back in a big way for the start of its second season, my personal favourite from my first viewing of series 1-5 of this show! I can't wait to see the evolution of Deathstroke and Roy's transformation into Arsenal once again! Until then however, I will continue to faithfully produce a mini-review for each episode as Oliver dons the hood once more for Crusade 2.0.
'City of Heroes' had a lot to do in just 42 minutes, thus the episode feels a bit rushed but the fast pace is needed in order to cover what it did. I liked the fact that Oliver had entered into self-exile back on the island following his failure to stop the Undertaking at the end of season one. It felt like a real, natural, emotional response to the events that took place and likewise, the episode showed how the event had effected the Glades too. The Glades felt much more realistically portrayed in this episode and I liked the presentation of mass destruction as it truly had an impact. I was initially worried that the writers would try too hard to move on from the Undertaking as swiftly as possible, but it's good to see that the repurcussions have been felt in Starling City and we are likely to continue to see these throughout the season.
The Hoods are a good idea executed poorly. I like the idea of copycat vigilantes using guns, much like how Batman's used firearms in The Dark Knight, but the characters behind the masks were underdeveloped and over-acted such that it was hard to sympathise for them and root for their cause. Luckily, they played a small role in the episode.
I enjoyed seeing that Moira wasn't going unpunished for her actions. The beauty of her situation is that I now actually root for her - she has accepted her fate and I sympathise for what she has been through. Thea and her shared an emotional scene near the end of the episode which packed a punch and it will be interesting to see how their relationship continues this season.
The Hood has officially been resigned as the vigilante's nickname and although it was only implied in this episode, Oliver will now take on the new mantle - the Arrow. I liked the motivations behind his no-killing rule being Tommy as I had forgotten that small detail, but it makes sense logically and emotionally. Only thing I will miss is watching him brutally take people down with his arrows, which made for entertaining action shots in the first season.
So the second series is underway and with Oliver balancing his life more stressfully than ever, it's only a matter of time until everything most likely falls apart (*ahem* Slade Wilson *ahem*), but for now I'm loving the direction the second series is heading and can't wait for the next episode!
- The Canary has arrived in Starling City!! Her journey begins...
- Oliver saving Felicity from a landmine was pretty cool
- Shutting down Isabel Rochev was great, also WALTER! The legend returns!
- "Oliver Queen, you have failed this city!" - great line
- When Oliver is first talking to his sister in Verdant, the news anchor in the background mentions that the particle accelerator at Star Labs would be completed by Christmas. This is a direct reference to the Flash, who gained his powers when the particle accelerator exploded
- When Oliver visits Tommy Merlyn's grave, the camera pans across three tombstones. The names on these stones are colleagues and David McLean and Ken Rabehl both worked with Richard Hudolin on Battlestar Galactica (2004). Hudolin is Series Art Director for both Battlestar Galactica and Arrow; both Rabehl and McLean later worked on Arrow episodes in the art department. Ryan Doucette was an uncredited assistant to series producer Joseph Patrick Finn
- First episode with The Canary
- When Oliver, Diggle and Felicity walk into the fuselage and the camera pans out, a hand is seen on the side wall. That is the body of Anthony Ivo, who we see die on the plane later in the season
- The street Jeff Deveau's wife was killed on, 52nd Street, is a reference to the DC's New 52
- At the ending, Roy takes on a group of muggers while wearing a red hood, hinting towards his future
- When Thea is kidnapped in this episode, Colton Haynes' stunt double can be seen clearly
RATING: 8/10
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