Arrow S1 E22 - 'Darkness on the Edge of Town' Review
Malcolm Merlyn... You Have Failed This City.
The penultimate episode of Arrow season one puts all of the pieces into position entering the finale. The Dark Archer makes his return and it's great to see the bad-ass villain in action. The fight between the Hood and Malcolm at the end of the episode was brilliantly done and did much to emphasise the threat Merlyn poses. It will be interesting to see how Oliver gets out of this situation in the next episode.
The flashbacks also advanced their plotline, as Fyers full plan was revealed and Yao Fei is executed by the mercenary leader. A major death, it will beinteresting to see how Slade, Oliver and Shado move forward after his murder. Fyers' plan and motivation seem slightly far-fetched, although I suppose compared to the Undertaking it is realistic.
My only major problem in this episode lay in the actions of Oliver and Laurel. After attempting to amend his friendship with Tommy, Oliver inexplicably experiences a rush of emotion at the end of the episode and sleeps with Laurel, resulting in a crushing scene in which Tommy witnesses them kissing. Tommy is a great character and doesn't deserve this from the two people closest to him.
Overall, 'Darkness on the Edge of Town' was a solid penultimate episode that set up a tense finale which has many plot threads to tie up. Fingers crossed it does so in a admirable way.
STARRING: The Dark Archer
- When Oliver and Tommy meet, there is a reference, whether intended or accidental, to Batman: The Dark Knight - "Why so serious?"
- While at Edward Fyers' base, a radio transmission is heard that identifies "Ferris Air Flight". Farris Aircraft, Inc. is the aircraft developer that Hal Jordan once worked for in the DC Universe... The same universe in which Hal Jordan is the Green Lantern, who is long time friend and teammate of the Green Arrow
- Three times in the series the 22nd episode shares a title with a Bruce Springsteen song; Arrow: This Is Your Sword (2015) is from the album High Hopes. Arrow: Darkness on the Edge of Town (2013), and Arrow: Streets of Fire (2014). Both are from the album Darkness on the Edge of Town
- When Merlyn and the Arrow are fighting in Merlyn's office at the end, there are several lifesize replicas of the Archer, one of four uncovered types of infantry discovered in Xi'an China with the terracotta army. Of the thousands of soldiers, each with unique faces, only one complete warrior was recovered that didn't need reassembly, and it was an archer
- The unseen businesswoman who is Edward Fyers employer is implied to be Amanda Waller who will later appear in Season 2
- Midway through the episode, Oliver and his mother are "kidnapped" by Diggle disguised as the Hood, so Oliver can learn what Moira knows about the Undertaking. Before the deception is revealed to the audience, the green lighting in the room is a hint
RATING: 8/10
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