Arrow S1 E23 - 'Sacrifice' Review

What You're Willing To Sacrifice.
Arrow's first season concludes in spectacular fashion in'Sacrifice', as Oliver battles with the Dark Archer for the fate of the Glades. This episode is fast paced and thrilling from start to finish, with great action sequences and a dramatic ending.
The battle between the Hood and the Dark Archer was simply bad-ass and such a well choreographed and shot fight. It was so satisfying seeing Oliver finally defeat Malcolm and an excellent twist that there was a second earthquake device. Although I originally criticised the 'earthquake device' concept as being far-fetched and a bit ridiculous, I must admit it was an effective weapon and the destruction it wrought on the Glades was graphic. I didn't think Arrow had the capability to deliver on CGI, having seen poor examples throughout the first season, but the earthquake damage was truly spectacular and I'm glad they opted to allow the Undertaking succeed, as it would've felt too linear had Ollie defeated the rival archer and stopped the device at the same time. 
Thus the ending was brilliant. It felt large-scale and it was heartbreaking watching Tommy die in Oliver's arms. I am gutted that the writers chose to kill off Tommy however, as he is a great character and I much would've preferred watching Laurel die in that rubble to be completely honest.
Other highlights included Quentin finally recognising the good that the Hood can do, although moments that didn't properly work included Roy's attempt to save trhe bus. I get that he wants to imitate the Hood, but his story-line was just a bit too thin and didn't really progress in the last few episodes. Fortunately, Roy will go on to embrace his destiny next season and I can't wait to watch that pan out!
The flashback scenes were the biggest disappointment of the episode. Given relatively little space to breathe by the more pressing plot in the present, the past suffers as too much happens in a short amount of time. The missile being averted was swift, although Fyers' execution was very satisfying to watch. One big bad down, only a million more to go for Oliver Queen.
Overall, 'Sacrifice' is a great final episode that really delivers on action, drama and emotion. It's cliffhanger sets up the future of Arrow and with Merlyn finally defeated, it's time for Ollie to move on from his father's list and become the hero the city needs.

STARRING: The Dark Archer

- In the rooftop fight scene between Oliver and the Dark Archer, the distinctive clock tower atop the Vancouver Block Building is visible in the background. In series Smallville (2001), that building served as the secret lair of Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow
- On the plane flying over the island, Lian Yu, the logo for Ferris Airlines is visible. A corporation owned by the Ferris family from the Green Lantern comics
- When Thea saved Roy from the man with the gun, Roy asks "where'd you learn to do that?" Thea responds "I guess I have wicked aim." This is foreshadowing her eventual transformation into Speedy, Oliver's sidekick
- When Oliver shoots Fyers through the throat, this is another reference to the Odyssey. Antinous son of Eupeithes, one of the suitors for the hand of Penelope, was killed this way by Odyseus in the Odyssey
- Originally, the episode was titled "52 Wells Street", but was changed due to sounding too "artsy"
- Papp Street, under which one of the Markov Devices is located, is a reference to George Papp, one of the co-creators of Green Arrow
- The abandoned subway which Quentin Lance enters, Puckett Station, is a reference to Kelley Puckett, one of the co-creators of Connor Hawke, who in the comics is Oliver's son and the second Green Arrow
- As Roy is running through The Glades, a Kord Industries sign is seen. In the DC comics, Kord Industries is led by Ted Kord, the alter-ego of the superhero Blue Beetle
- This episode marks the restart of Oliver and Tommy's friendship which ended in "Unfinished Business", although Tommy dies shortly after they make amends
- When Felicity makes the case to Lance that the Arrow is a hero, The Flash theme plays slowly in the background

RATING: 9/10


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