Arrow Comic Series #3 Review

It's A Start.
The third issue of Arrow's comic series consists of three stories - 'Boys Night', '[REC.]' and 'Falling'. If I was to summarise briefly I would say 'Boys Night' is an emotional double identity story, where Oliver balances his friendship with Tommy with his crusade as the Hood; '[REC.]' is a fun action packed spin on the Hood's campaign from the perspective of nosy kids; and 'Falling' is the heartbreaking origin story of Helena Bertinelli, a.k.a. The Huntress.
'Boys Night' is a fairly straightforward story, in which the Hood faces off against a jewel thief which is a nice change of pace to the corporate evils he's faced so far on the TV show. It adds depth to Oliver and Tommy's relationship too and we are left feeling exasperated for poor Queen, who can't find the right balance in his life at this early stage of his return. The jewel thief and his flashbang grenades are fun, although underdeveloped.
The second story, '[REC.]', sees high school boys attempting to film the vigilante in action. It's a concept that has long been overused in comic media, but the issue is still fun enough. It's good to see the Hood taking a break from the List to save the boys, showing the potential the vigilante will come to fulfil as his crusade progresses and he becomes a hero.
Finally, 'Falling' is my favourite story in issue three. It fills in the blanks left by the TV show and we learn just why Helena's fiance was killed and how cold and calculating her father can be. It essentially shows us the Huntress' motivations and it encourages sympathy for the character. I loved how directly this linked to the TV Show also, as the last few stories haven't really interwoven with the TV show's narrative.
Overall, issue three is a fun addition to the comic series although only one story really shone.

STARRING: The Huntress

RATING: 7.4/10


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