Arrow Comic Series #10 Review

Pleasant Dreams.
Issue 10 out of 12 in the Arrow comic series continues to tie up loose ends from the TV show and present new and exciting stories for our hero; 'Aftermath' explores Diggle's attempts to avenge his brother's death during Oliver's five years in hell; 'Shado of the Past' helps explain how Shado came to Lian Yu and also shows the flashback story from the point of view of Yao Fei; and 'Patient Zero' is a disease-driven present day adventure, in which the Hood travels to Coast City to prevent biological disaster.
'Aftermath' is the worst of the three stories, but it is still very good - an emotional ride in which we are shown how Carly and Diggle reacted to the death of Andy. Seeing Diggle's fury as her pursues the wrong man is effective in portraying his pain during this time and how he found outlets for his rage. The plot itself is straightforward and predictable, but the emotional implications of the story carry the reader through.
We are treated to Yao Fei's perspective during the flashback scenes in 'Shado of the Past', shortly after he is captured by Fyers and Oliver escapes. We learn here about how Wintergreen was tasked with tracking down Shado, who subsequently produces a bad-ass display to take down numerous soldiers before Wintergreen renders her unconscious. It's a nice fill-in-the-blanks chapter, although it adds little to the overall story arc.
Finally, 'Patient Zero' roams into the fantastical with its story about a woman who carries a dangerous disease called dorsavirus and transmits it to her victims via kissing. It's a fairly silly premise, but the end result is full of action and heart. It's nice to see Arrow address domestic abuse for once and the Hood taking down rioters was fun to see. The comic chose the right time to flesh out the present day story-line further, as there had been a little too much focus on side-stories in recent issues.
Overall, issue ten is another fun entry, albeit doesn't quite rise to the heights we have seen from the series so far.

STARRING: Deadshot, Shado, Yao Fei, Fyers, Wintergreen

RATING: 7.4/10


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