Arrow S1 E9 - 'Year's End' Review
It's Just Beginning.
This is a great episode as the Big Bad of the series is finally revealed - The Dark Archer, who is extremely bad-ass in both costume and fighting style. Oliver dealing with a hostage situation was a cool idea and worked well. Walter is 'dealt with' by the mysterious list group, due to him looking into their business too much. I like that the Hood was defeated as it made a nice change of pace. The party was tense and fun. Meanwhile Yao Fei captures Fyers but it was all a ploy - Fyers men jump out and capture Yao Fei.
STARRING: The Dark Archer, Adam Hunt, Yao Fei, Fyers
EASTER EGGS: - The scene where the Arrow, after suffering an injury from a duel with the Dark Archer, jumps out of a window and calls Diggle for help is quite similar to the scene in Batman Begins (2005) where Batman, after being set on fire by the Scarecrow, jumps out the window and calls Alfred for help
- "Corner of O'Neil and Adams" as mentioned by detective Lance comes from two names - Neal Adams and Dennis O'Neil, famous comic-book artist and writer respectively. Both have contributed a lot over the years to the world of DC and Green Arrow in particular
- Oliver says the vigilante needs a new nickname so Malcolm Merlyn suggests the name Green Arrow, which was his superhero identity in the comics which Oliver thinks is lame, Ironically he uses the name in Season 4 Episode1 Green Arrow as a new nickname
RATING: 8.6/10
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