Arrow Comic Series #11 Review

I'm Finally Ready Now.
The penultimate issue of the Arrow comic series is one of the best yet and delivers in a multitude of ways, despite none of the three main stories focusing on the Hood himself. 'No Way Out' is a darker tale about a handyman for a mob boss who gains a conscience following an encounter with the vigilante; 'From the Darkness' reflects upon Malcolm Merlyn's past and how he became the Dark Archer; whilst 'Potential' examines Roy's past and forces him to consider if he is ready to become a responsible adult.
'No Way Out' focuses on Tony, a handyman for a mob boss on the Hood's list. In a relatively straightforward story, Tony grapples with guilt over his work and needing money to support his family. He questions himself at every turn and ultimately chooses to let the Hood kill his boss so he can get out of the industry and pursue more legal work. It's a nice alternative take on the Hood's crusade and focusing on an ordinary person caught up in this conflict grounds the story in reality and encourages sympathy for the individual.
The second story 'From the Darkness' explores Malcolm Merlyn's descent into depression following the death of his wife and how this spurs him on the journey to becoming the Dark Archer. The story does well to suggest we should sympathise with Merlyn, who after all he has been through is just trying to make his city a safer place - he just doesn't realise the implications of his intended actions. The comic relates directly to the TV show and uses the scene between Malcolm and Tommy in the hospital as a backdrop for the background exposition dump. It's a great story and I look forward to it being explored more in the Dark Archer's own comic series.
Finally, 'Potential' shows us how Roy was given a job years ago and betrayed his manager when he chose to rob it. It is a sad story, as Roy abuses the trust of the store manager despite the latter's belief in the young rogue. Ultimately, we can see glimmers of the man Roy is destined to become and this feels like a meaningful chapter in his origin story - particularly as we learn that this was how he obtained his infamous red hoodie. This issue runs concurrently alongside the episode of Arrow, 'Salvation', which helps to add depth to the conclusion of that episode.
Overall, this penultimate issue is an culmination of all of the best aspects of the Arrow comic series - it includes flashbacks, links to the show in real time and alternate perspectives which help to flesh out the wider Arrowverse.

STARRING: The Dark Archer, The Savior

RATING: 8.2/10


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