Arrow S1 E2 - 'Honor Thy Father' Review

Home is a Battlefield.
The second episode of Arrow's debut season sees the hero continue to scratch names off of his list - this time it's Martin Sommers. We start to see the complexity of Oliver and Laurel's relationship and also how Oliver is struggling to reconnect with his family after being apart for so long. It's done well and is not too cheesy - i like how he faked being drunk to shun responsibility in the company, although the acting was a bit over the top and Amell's attempts to portray a billionaire playboy don't quite land. His better performances stem from Oliver adapting to life back in Starling City, the moments when the facade collapses and we get a glimpse into the vigilante's inner conflict.
The final battle between the Hood and China White is bad-ass and it's nice to get a proper villain being introduced for the first time. Unfortunately, China White is (and continues to be in future appearances) a wooden bad guy who delivers cringe-worthy lines and contributes little to the Arrowverse. Still, the wig cracks me up.
Elsewhere, we see that Diggle is starting to become annoyed with Oliver running off all the time - it is a good gag and is very funny, although I fear it could get overused soon. Thankfully I vaguely remember Diggle being let in on the Hood's crusade fairly soon so we won't have to watch the joke be overplayed.
We also learn that Moira is related to the List somehow, which was a very exciting cliffhanger when I first saw season one. Her connection to the Undertaking adds a human element to it and makes it feel more personal when the Hood takes on Merlyn's plans later in the season.
Overall, 'Honor Thy Father' is a decent second outing for the Hood. Oliver ultimately realises that he should try harder with his friends and family, furthering his relationships with these characters and enabling a glimpse at the acting range Amell has to offer. More exciting than the first episode, but only just.

STARRING: Martin Sommers, China White

- The name Hannibal Bates appears in Robert Queen's book of names towards the end of the episode. Hannibal would go on to become the metahuman 'The Everyman' in an episode of The Flash (2014) during its first season.

RATING: 7.8/10


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