Arrow Comic Series #2 Review

Can Evil Ever Be Truly Stopped?
The second issue of the Arrow comic series is comprised of 'Diggle', 'Fathoms' and 'Moscow'. Two of these focus on flashbacks whilst one furthers the Hood's quest to cross names off his father's list.
In 'Diggle' we get a glimpse of Dig's past life in the army in Afghanistan. I liked that they fleshed out some of the character's backstory as it lends emotional weight to the character. It was also a nice twist that Oliver was reading the files on Dig, presumably to ensure he was choosing the right person to let in to his crusade.
'Fathoms' depicts Moira Queen salvaging the Queen's Gambit. It's a relatively straightforward plot, with Moira discovering that Malcolm had the Gambit sabotaged. It is helpful seeing how her involvement in Tempest began as it ties up questions around her behaviour in the present day in the show.
'Moscow' returned to the crusade as the Hood flew to Russia to cross Justin Whicker's name off the list.I liked the familiarity of the crusade, but this story felt too basic to me and I hope the comic series mixes up this formula in the issues to come.
Overall, issue 2 has some great backstory and a bit of what's come before. A decent issue, could benefit from tighter ties to the present day storyline in the show which is running concurrent.

RATING: 7.2/10


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