
Showing posts from March, 2020

The Office (US) S4 E18/19 - 'Goodbye Toby' Even-Smaller-Review

Love At First Sight. BEST MOMENTS "Oh my goodness, you sound sexy" "Just a matter of hours now until His Horribleness has left the building" "How do you feel?" "Fine. Good." "I feel weird" "How much anti-gravity potion do you want?" Phyllis taking over the party planning committee! Pam is going to art school!  "You know Dwight, sometimes I think you say things just to agree with me" "Anti-gravity... anti-depressants? I can put you through to somebody for that?" Phyllis - "Ok" "They hired a female Toby. Good for the world." Even the new HR girl is savage to Toby! Creed being unable to tell Holly what he does - "Qua something... Qual... Wuabbity Ashwance! No.. but I'm getting close" Dwight convincing Holly that Kevin is retarded Toby getting a photo of everyone apart from Pam! "DOES ANYONE HAVE A CAMERA HERE?!" N3P music "Welcome to Scra...

The Office (US) S4 E17 - 'Job Fair' Even-Smaller-Review

New Blood. BEST MOMENTS "Youth-anise this place" Dwight on Darryl in a suit - "maybe he's going to church. Or court." Michael roasting the warehouse - "they definitely 'aint going to college" Andy - "got some blisties" Creed - "Yeh and I finished my work months ago" Michael savaging Justin "And that is why I need a smart intern" "Kids are very wary of being lured these days, thank you Dateline!" "Hiya pumpkin, it's Creed. Say we're gonna ditch this bitch, you in?" "Are you serious?" "Yes, and don't call me Shirley" Seeing Jim actually try at his job is making me kinda warm to his character "Pam Beesley, office hottie. She will do you" Michael - "I would never say this to her face, but she is a wonderful person and a gifted artist" !!!! MICHAEL! Oscar voicing all our thoughts - "What?! Why WOULDN'T you say that to her f...

The Office (US) S4 E16 - 'Did I Stutter?' Even-Smaller-Review

Michael v. Stanley. BEST MOMENTS Phyllis' longggg drawn out pointless story Michael's face hole Pam's glasses "Pam clearly has just given up trying" "DID I STUTTER?!" - one of Stanley's funniest EVER lines, wow!! "Stanley is a beautiful sassy powerful black man... and you're you" "You're so white" - Michael "Sometimes my stoumach hurts when you come into my office" Dwight forcing Andy to give him his car for dirt cheap! Dwight's Emeregency Disaster Mode Chart Creed - "I would like to put the piano in front of Pam, without her glasses, and see what happens. I'd also like to see her topless" "You're on the street and one of your gang disses you" "OH MY GOODNESS" Ryan is being such a dick to Jim! Toby's glee at seeing Jim get told off for always talking to Pam Stanley's rant at Michael! Michael [pathetically] - "I don't understand why y...

The Office (US) S4 E15 - 'Night Out' Even-Smaller-Review

The Curse of Three. BEST MOMENTS "But best case scenario, you thought it was a quarter" Michael defending Ryan "Yes the social networking feature of the Dunder Mifflin Infinity website WAS infiltrated by sexual predators" Creed - "I don't get the big fuss here, I like the site" Kelly - "If I'd created a website with this many problems, I'd kill myself" "Think about it - a month ago, no one would go on this site because they were worried about being molested" "Do you know any girls in New York... who might be interested in a guy like me?" "Nah. Sorry man"  "Ah well you tried" Dwight at the club - "the women look like white slaves" Love how Ryan suddenly is super friendly to Michael when drunk Stanley - "If I'm not in my bath with a glass of red wine in one hour, you're both dead" "He said 'If I'm dead, you guys have been dead for weeks...

The Office (US) S4 E14 - 'Chair Model' Even-Smaller-Review

Behold Our Bachelorette. BEST MOMENTS Kevin complaining about the walk Michael is single now! Thank God he left Jan, that was one crazy toxic relationship "Every day, I get a little more desperate" Creed - "Then I'll have two chairs... only one to go" "I left my cell phone in my car" "Call us when you get there so we know you're okay" Awww Stacy dumped Kevin :( "You don't deserve her" [Kevin nods in misunderstood agreement] Michael interrogating Phyllis over whether her friend is fat or not "I need to get laid... and before that happens, I need to be in love" "What part of shorn't don't you understand Kevin?" "There's nobody I hate enough to write a name on this card" "I'm setting Michael up with my fat friend anyway, he can just deal with it" Michael calling Wendy's Pam shaking her head at Jim "No question about it, I'm ready to be hur...

The Office (US) S4 E13 - 'Dinner Party' Even-Smaller-Review

That One Night. BEST MOMENTS Michael's elaborate ruse 2 minutes in and I can ALREADY see that this dinner party is going to be the most awkward, cringe-inducing episode of the season Jan sniffing her candles! The video camera set up in the master bedroom Michael's crappy little bed, poor man! "If you ever need any help, I'll be just a phone call away" Jealous Jan - "I bet you are" "I have the best trophy right here [hugs Jan]... aside from my Dundies" Jan's WEIRD dancing (I could barely watch that scene haha) Same with Jan and Michael's constant bickering Michael running through the glass door to get an ice cream Jan is SO jealous! Angela stirring up sh*t!  I've actually never been so happy to see Dwight turn up! Michael and his vasectomies  "The thought of popping one of your beets into my mouth makes me want to vomit" "I can't prove it, but I think she might be trying to poison me" Pa...

The Office (US) S4 E12 - 'The Deposition' Even-Smaller-Review

A Nice Guy. BEST MOMENTS Michael's fake post-its  "Hiya buddy" "For having the courage to augment her boobs" Jim getting BATTERED at ping pong Kelly's smack talk "Michael I'm your HR rep, I'm on YOUR side" "Never." Michael's "That's what she said" in the interview THE PHOTO MICHAEL LEAKED!! Michael's diary! Michael pushing Toby's tray off the table Jan's horrible performance review on Michael :( Dwight smashing Jim at ping pong! Just love whenever Jim is actually bad at something haha Michael inexplicably taking the company's side despite Wallace being cruel to him was nice "I think you're a nice guy too" Mose vs. Dwight - what a rally! DID YOU KNOW?!* The scene where Michael pushes Toby's lunch tray off the table was not scripted. The crew was doing one last take of the scene and actor Paul Lieberstein suggested that Steve Carell push his food off th...

The Office (US) S4 E11 - 'Survivor Man' Even-Smaller Review

Outdoors. BEST MOMENTS "HEY nobody cares" - Michael Broken Mountain haha "It's better to be hurt by someone you know accidentally, than by a stranger on purpose" "Let's put it this way - no, I do not" Michael calling Dwight a creepy serial killer Dwight trying to knock Michael out WTF was Jim thinking about trying to throw LESS parties?! "Blacks do crack" The compilation of Michael scaring the sh*t out of people for their birthdays "Tell her it's for Creed, she'll know what that means" "I HAVE HAEMORRHOIDS" Phyllis called Jim Michael!! Jim finally realising that he is WASTING his life in paper! "That's what who said?" "I never know" DID YOU KNOW?!* When Michael surprises Phyllis in her car, you can see Phyllis laughing. She even smiles before Michael says anything Michael wears a "Battlestar Galactica" sweatshirt when he returns to the office from the...

The Office (US) S4 E10 - 'Branch Wars' Even-Smaller-Review

Big Butt, Bigger Heart. BEST MOMENTS KAREN IS BACK! And penger than ever damnnnnn "Turns out it's a pretty easy gig when your boss isn't an idiot and your boyfriend's not in love with somebody else" - DAMNNN yes Karen!! You deserve wayyy better than Jim (a.k.a. me, hmu gal). "Sometimes, most of the time I will be with Ryan... or Darryl" STANLEY NOOO DON'T GO! "You cannot take the hilarious black guy from the office" - so true!! "Mo money mo problems Stanley, you of all people should know that" The Finer Things club - love the randomness of the trio haha "Besides having sex with men, I would say that the Finer Things club is the gayest thing about me" Michael trying to give Toby to Karen "Ugh I can't do it, Toby is the worst" "Aren't you the guy who hit that woman with a car?" "Get out." Michael staring at Toby dressed up - "OH MY GOD" "We are going...

The Office (US) S4 E9 - 'Local Ad' Mini-Review

Triumph of the Will. Michael creates a brilliant ad to compete against corporate's generic company advert. The episode is full of great one liners and funny moments, but the highlight is the warm ending where the office comes together over Michael's video, which included each of them in different ways. Dwight received some much needed good news when Andy reveals that Angela calls him 'D' in the bedroom, although she still doesn't seem close to taking him back. Overall? A fun episode with memorable moments. BEST MOMENTS MTV on crack The 'Nard Dog!! BRILLIANT! "You just got Nard Dogged!!" "Oh it has losers" Dwight's fantasy life is the very life he has! (except flight) How cute The waving! Andy's misinterpretation of necking Ryan's call from 'Eddie Murphy' Mike's Cereal Shack "Five years old... couldn't even talk yet" "How about never hundred hours sir" "I'm glad you ...

The Office (US) S4 E7/8 - 'Money' Mini-Review

The American Dream. Michael struggles to stay afloat financially, whilst Jim and Pam spend a night at Schrute Farms. Both sub-plots in this fourth and final (for now) two part episode were enticing and hilarious, particularly seeing Michael working another office job (where he is LOVED and popular! OF COURSE he is!). The comedy was also strong in Schrute Farms, and seeing three of the core characters outside of the office environment allowed for extra emotional depth. In fact it was the emotional strength of this episode that struck me the most. Watching Jim attempt to help Dwight through a difficult break-up was a heartfelt and beautiful moment, which felt REAL. I actually got quite emotional myself during this scene as it dug up memories of my own. The closing scene with Jan talking Michael down out from his panic attack was another moving moment and the first time I kind of liked Jan. My only hope is that Dwight is able to move on soon, and I am looking forward to shorter epis...

The Office (US) S4 E5/6 - 'Launch Party' Mini-Review

Class 2 Felony Charge. The Scranton branch celebrate the launching of Dunder Mifflin Infinity. The first half of this bumper episodes was undoubtedly the better part, filled with much more laughs as Michael prepares in chaotic fashion for the big party. When the pizza boy was being held hostage was when the episode began to lose me however. Jim and Pam's moment was supposed to be all sweet, but I found it tacky and a bit too cheesy to be believable. Meanwhile, seeing Dwight become more and more depressed is saddening, but it is important character development for the couple and hopefully Angela learns to forgive him eventually. All in all this episode was entertaining, but the weakest instalment in this fourth season so far. BEST MOMENTS Michael misinterpreting the reactions of the team Andy "OH COME ON!" "Some days I am just on fire" Brain Grandchild STANLEY DANCING!! "Buying paper just became fun!" Lunch Party "Easy booster sea...