Arrow Season 2.5 Review

Bullseye - Bridging The Arrowverse.
After I finished Season 2 of Arrow, I was worried about how fast things would go downhill, since I considered Arrow's sophomore outing to be the peak of the series. Fortunately, I was proved wrong by Arrow: Season 2.5, which featured a great array of villains old and new, whilst explaining Sara's journey back to Nanda Parbat, the Suicide Squad's epic new mission in Khandaq and of course Oliver's campaign against the resurgent Church of Blood.
This campaign took up the majority of the series, after Clinton Hogue adopted the mantel of his former employer. I thought that the 'Blood' arc was really well written and featured some great moments for the Arrow, Arsenal and the Huntress. It also featured Roy's transformation into Arsenal, including how he obtained his costume, which was very exciting for me as an Arrowverse fan as these events are never shown onscreen. The story was well paced too and although the extension arc, 'Green', didn't quite manage to reach the same heights, it was still a fun little story.
The Suicide Squad's 'Crisis in Khandaq' was a highlight of the series. Diggle and his nefarious teammates undertook a kick-ass mission in the fictional middle-eastern country of Khandaq. The plot was straightforward, although the death of Bronze Tiger came as a shock, as did the revelation that Ra's wanted Khem-Adam dead himself. Serving as an enticing distraction from the main arc, I liked getting to see Task Force X in action once more.
The ending of the series was also well handled, as Oliver contemplated his selfishness and the pieces all fell into place regarding the beginning of season 3 of Arrow. A couple of other series highlights has to be the Renegades and Deathstroke, who all added spice to the already absorbing arcs.
Overall, Arrow: Season 2.5 is a marked improvement on its predecessor, Arrow (comic series), as it incorporates aspects of the TV show in a way which makes them relevant to the outcome of the show. Seeing the beginnings of Roy's time as Arsenal was also a thrill to watch and more Suicide Squad is never a bad thing (apart from the movie I suppose). All in all this is a must read for fans of Arrow, particularly as it fleshes out the Arrowverse prior to season 3 and after the fallout of The Siege in season 2. 
I promise you it's worth your time, and much like Slade, I keep my promises.

RATING: 9/10


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