Arrow 'Blood Rush' Review
We Have A Problem.
Arrow: Blood Rush takes place chronologically between 'League of Assassins' and 'Keep Your Enemies Closer'. Although not an actual episode, it is an official tie in sponsored by Bose and therefore it is canonical in the Arrowverse and I feel obliged to review it, so here we go.
Blood Rush features 6 mini-episodes, each 1 minute long:
- 'Mr Queen Is Unavailable'
- 'Roy to the Rescue'
- 'Down the Rabbit Hole'
- 'The Sample'
- 'Closing In'
- 'Heroic Deeds'
The plot is relatively straight forward, with Roy being tasked to infiltrate SCPD labs to retrieve a blood sample of the vigilante, to prevent his identity being revealed. Colton Haynes, Paul Blackthorne and Emily Bett Rickards reprise their roles as Roy, Quentin and Felicity respectively, although Quentin only features as a voice on a short phone call.
Blood Rush is clearly written by the same people as Arrow, although unfortunately the product placement means that the whole mini-series feels on-the-nose and fake, which ultimately it kind of is as it is an endorsement for Bose. It is still a fun distraction though, and I loved seeing Roy and Felicity meet for the first time officially, since they are going to go on to become close in Team Arrow.
Overall, Blood Rush is a fun but flawed short series. Little happens in the 6 minutes of footage, although Felicity is funny as always and seeing Roy to the Arrow's dirty work is always cool.
RATING: 5/10
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