Arrow Season 2.5 - #4 Review

The Fun Is About To Begin.
Arrow's Season 2.5 comic series continues with two more chapters in the 'Blood' arc; 'Haunted' sees Oliver face off against figures from his past as he trips on vertigo, whilst in 'Awakenings' Sara returns to rescue Oliver and Team Arrow vow to fight back. In 'Crisis in Khandaq', Ravan Nassar is recruited to the Squad whilst Deadshot and Bronze Tiger train at ARGUS.
'Haunted' is an emotional chapter, where Oliver is forced to contend with his demons after Werner Zytle injects him with vertigo. I liked how Zytle popped up here as I know he is going to reappear as the first antagonist of season 3. Also, it was nice seeing the return of familiar faces including Robert, Moira, Tommy and Slade. We learn about Oliver's self doubts, as his ghosts speak his greatest fears and his failures. Whilst this emotion-driven chapter is interesting, it ultimately doesn't move the story forward in any meaningful way.
In 'Awakenings', the Canary returns and I find it interesting that she is now doing something she enjoys with the League, as we aren't told what exactly that is. I liked her interactions with Team Arrow, and the comments that Roy is often in a coma, and hopefully she sticks around for the rest of the series. It was a fun twist as well that Sara wasn't a trick of Ollie's imagination. I just feel bad for poor Dig, getting a surprise beating off his best friend.
The 'Crisis in Khandaq' story decided to recruit a new member this issue in the form of Raven Nassar, who has already proven himself bad-ass by beating two poor innocent guards senseless. Also, it was fun seeing Bronze Tiger and Deadshot in action, even if it was just in a training facility. Get these two to Khandaq already!
Overall, issue #4 is as static as its predecessor, but more emotionally powerful and interesting. The Suicide Squad really needs to step up its game soon because their story has a very slow pace.

STARRING: Deathstroke, Vertigo, The Huntress, The Canary, Raven Nassar, Deadshot, Bronze Tiger

RATING: 8.5/10


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