Arrow Season 2.5 - #9 Review

He Took Everything.
Caleb Green returns on a murderous rampage in Arrow: Seasons 2.5 #9, which consists of two chapters; in 'Echo' Oliver wraps up a business meeting with Walter, only to be assaulted by Green outside of Queen Consolidated, a fight which is finished off in 'Vengeance' when Roy jumps in to save Oliver from the crazed attacker.
'Echo' begins by reiterating Green's vendetta against the Queens, although it felt unnecessary as we have seen it many times before already in this series. It was fun seeing Oliver adapt and take on Green with a hockey mask and bat. The only issue I had was with Green's over-the-top bad guy speech, which just was slightly too ridiculous for me.
Ollie and Roy joke about this in 'Vengeance', which I appreciated as a piece of meta-humour on the industry. This chapter resulted in Roy rescuing the Arrow and Felicity ordering the police to let the vigilantes go, which was a nice nod to when Captain Lance orders the disbanding of the Anti-Vigilante Task Force at the start of season 3. Little else happened here, apart from Oliver determining to save Green by returning to Lian Yu to find a cure. I loved how excited Roy was to journey there too, in fact I love most of Roy's lines in this series as he adds some much needed comic relief to Team Arrow.
Overall, this issue was fun but the new 'Green' arc isn't quite as absorbing as the previous 'Blood' story, in part due to a much weaker villain and also a lack of any real tension. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how this pans out. On the bright side, it looks like we are returning to Lian Yu!


RATING: 7.9/10


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