Arrow Season 2.5 - #1 Review

A Refuge For The Lost.
Arrow Season 2.5 kicks off in spectacular fashion with its first issue, which begins the 'Blood' story-line. This issue consists of two chapters; 'Return' sees Oliver take Roy out into the field as the pair take down drug dealers on a plane, whilst in 'Descent' Team Arrow try to patch up Roy, whilst a strange man lures Caleb Green to a church led by a man by a familiar name.
I loved seeing Roy and the Arrow fighting alongside each other again in 'Return', with the pair kicking some serious ass together. The plot was thin on this one, but intentionally so - the seeds are being sown for what this mini-series is all about. We got to see Ollie adapting to taking Roy with him on missions and meanwhile, in the background, a new character called Caleb Green watches his dad kill both his wife and himself. It's all riveting stuff and I love how immediately this story carries on after the fall of Deathstroke at the end of season 2 of Arrow.
The second part of 'Blood', 'Descent', was also great, with some big revelations and more discussion than fisticuffs. We get to see Laurel watching over Quentin, who after successful surgery it is revealed is now in a coma. I liked how they brought this into play, as it was one of the mysteries at the end of last season, what exactly happened to Quentin? Well now he is on the mend (thank god) and Laurel has called Sara, so I wonder if she will come into play later in this series. We also see Oliver feeling guilty about taking Roy on missions. Clearly this is something he is going to have to get over, as the pair work closely together at the start of season 3. The big reveal at the end was great too, as Caleb Green is recruited into an upstart Church of Blood led by none other than... BROTHER BLOOD!! A great twist, I can't wait to find out who has donned the mask following Blood's demise last season.
Overall, this is a great start to Season 2.5 and hopefully the quality remains consistent throughout!

STARRING: Brother Blood II, Church of Blood

RATING: 8.2/10


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