Arrow Season 2.5 - #6 Review
For The Old Gods.
Arrow Season 2.5 put the Suicide Squad in the spotlight in this issue, appropriately titled the 'Crisis in Khandaq Special'. I have been looking forward to some development in this arc and finally we got it - thankfully it doesn't disappoint.
Feeling like a modern military movie, the Suicide Squad infiltrate Khandaq and hunt down the extremist leader Khem-Adam, kicking some serious ass along the way. I love the relationship between the members of the squad, particularly the banter between Floyd Lawton and Diggle. Eventually the group reach the caves where Khem-Adam is based, leading to a climactic showdown. It was an epic fight, leading to the dramatic death of Ben Turner a.k.a. Bronze Tiger! I really didn't think any major characters would die in this series so I was shocked how swiftly and easily the villain was dispatched! Rest in peace you over-the-top, leather wearing Wolverine knock-off.
The big reveal in this one was that Nyssa Al-Ghul, Sara and the League of Assassin's were ALSO after Khem-Adam, as it turns out Ra's himself wants to speak to him. As Ra's is going to be the primary antagonist of season 3, I wonder if we will get to see him in these prequel comics?
Overall, I really enjoyed putting the Arrow aside for an issue and focusing on the Suicide Squad. It seems like their mission is far from over however, so we will have to wait and see whether the Squad get their man or not.
STARRING: Deadshot, Bronze Tiger, Raven Nassar, The Canary, Nyssa Al-Ghul
RATING: 8.6/10
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