Arrow Season 2.5 - #2 Review
Blood is Risen.
Arrow Season 2.5 brings revelations and mysteries in its two chapters: 'Acolyte' sees a member of the Church of Blood make a demonstration of his devotion to the new Brother Blood, whilst 'Ascension' explains just how Clinton Hogue became the new Brother Blood, answering a few lingering questions from season 2.
In 'Acolyte', Oliver learns that the Church of Blood is back and led by another Brother Blood, who is revealed to be Sebastian Blood's old bodyguard Clinton Hogue! I'm glad the comic writers chose a character that was in the show, as it felt more dramatic revealing him to have been an ally of Blood's prior to his death. Additionally, we get to see where Team Arrow get all of their awesome gear - some shady nut job with a scarred face and a weird pair of goggles. Diggle gives this guy the plans for Roy's Arsenal costume, which is an awesome link back to the TV show!
Following this, 'Ascension' explains that Hogue grew disillusioned with his boss' ways. We get to see just how Dig and Felicity took him in for questioning and also learn that he is planning on hunting the pair down to make them pay. I had always wondered why Blood had chosen to remain in his office calmly after betraying Slade, so it made sense that he had commanded his bodyguard to shoot Rochev thus was unfazed by her appearance. Basically it was a great background story.
Additionally, both of these chapters featured short excerpts of another story, called 'Suicide Squad: Crisis in Khandaq'. This story has barely begun however - all we have seen is terrorists attack a school, followed by Amanda Waller meeting with the President (cool cameo from what looks like Barack Obama), who decides that she should send in Task Force X to clean up the mess in Khandaq. I look forward to seeing what more this mini-series brings!
Overall, #2 was really fun and fleshed out the new Brother Blood and how he rose to power. I loved the references to season 2 and the hints towards season 3 (Arsenal's costume), so all in all this series is firing on all cylinders right now! Must read for all Arrow fans.
STARRING: Brother Blood, Brother Blood II, Church of Blood, Ravager, Deadshot, Bronze Tiger
RATING: 8.9/10
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