The Clone Wars S1 E8 - 'Bombad Jedi' Mini-Review

Just A Gungan.

If you came into the clone wars hoping to see more of Jar-Jar Binks, then this is the episode for you. I, however, would've been more than happy for the strange Gungan to sit out this animated series, with his irritating character proving enough for me The Phantom Menace. Whilst a journey to a new world is always appreciated and I liked the idea of a suffering, poverty stricken planet struggling to choose between Republic or Separatist support, this chapter was just too empty and predictable for me.

"Heroes are made by the times"

STORY ARC - Cloak of Darkness (1/2)

- Padme Amidala
- C-3PO
- Jar-Jar Binks
- Chancellor Palpatine
- Onaconda Farr
- Viceroy Nute Gunray

- Rodia


  • The Kwazel Maw underwater monster is based on Ralph McQuarrie's design for a swamp slug creature on Dagobah for Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980). A variation of the same creature called the 'Nos monster' was slated to appear on Utapau in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) but was cut during production
  • Lead concept designer Kilian Plunkett reveals in the book 'The Art of the Star Wars: Clone Wars' that Rodia's architecture does not include solid ceilings of floors. Instead, they are made of grills. As the tide comes in and out, the water levels rise and fall throughout the buildings. Rodians would sit there as the tide came in and watch the water rise over their head and fish swim around them
  • Padmé greets Onaconda Farr in Huttese by saying "H'chu Apenkee" (greetings) and he answers her with "Chowbaso" (welcome)
  • Quinlan Vos was originally slated to appear in an early draft of Bombad Jedi. He was to be working undercover and actually using his force abilities to make it look like Jar Jar was a Jedi. He was eventually cut, because at the early stages of production the studio didn't have the ability to include many new characters because of the time it took to create a digital model
  • This is the only episode of season 1 to have Ahmed Best, the original voice of Jar Jar, in the said role, as BJ Hughes voices Jar Jar in "The Gungan General", "Blue Shadow Virus" and "Mystery of a Thousand Moons". However, Ahmed reprises his role again in the season 3 episode "Supply Lines" and for the season 4 episodes "Gungan Attack", "Prisoners" and "Shadow Warrior"
  • According to story editor, Henry Gilroy, the part where Jar Jar appears to vanish leaving the droids to find nothing but a the Jedi robes is a homage to the scene in A New Hope where Darth Vader slays Obi-Wan
  • Nute Gunray's arrival bears a heavy resemblance to Darth Vader's visit to the DS-2 Death Star in Episode VI. Both shuttles are escorted by two fighters that break off as the shuttle enters a hangar. Both Vader and Gunray emerge from the shuttles to meet a subordinate and an array of grunts
RATING: 6/10


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