The Clone Wars S1 E10 - 'Lair of Grievous' Mini-Review


Kit Fisto reunites with his old Padawan Nahdar Vebb to recapture Nute Gunray from Grievous' lair. Instead, they discover that Gunray has escaped and they must battle their way out of the separatist leader's stronghold. It's an entertaining concept and has some good moments, but overall the plot is a bit too thin to warrant a higher rating. Kit Fisto is awesome, but I'm annoyed we won't get to learn any more about Nadhar now that he has been killed. Saying that, his execution was one of the more powerful moments of the series so far, showing how dark this family-friendly show is willing to go. Much like the previous episode did with Ventress, this episode also serves to reinforce the danger that Grievous poses, since previously he has been defeated a number of times. Overall, a solid chapter, if a bit too simple.

"Most powerful is he who controls his own power"


- Kit Fisto
- Nadhar Vebb
- General Grievous
- Nute Gunray
- Count Dooku
- EV-A4-D
- Clone Commander Fil
- Gor
- Yoda
- Mace Windu

- Vassek
- Coruscant


  • Nahdar Vebb has only one tentacle dangling from his chin as opposed to Admiral Ackbar, who has several. This was done to indicate Vebb's younger age
  • Lead concept designer Kilian Plunkett reveals in the book 'The Art of the Star Wars: Clone Wars' that they combined the two different looks of Kit Fisto as seen in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith (owing to the fact that the character was played by different performers in each film). The Clone Wars design leans towards the Episode III design while the color is more Episode II
  • David Acord's vocal performance as A-4D is patterned after the distinctive speaking style of actor/comedian Paul Lynde
  • This episode is the first of many in the series to include the death of "red shirt" clone commander, an occurrence seen in most, if not all, subsequent episodes to feature a clone officer in red armour
  • The captured lightsaber Kit Fisto examines in Grievous' castle belonged to Jedi Master Neebo
  • During the scene where Grievous is being repaired, when his mask is being removed, his death scream from Revenge of the Sith can be heard
  • This episode won a Golden Reel Award for best sound editing in television animation
RATING: 7.5/10


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