The Clone Wars S1 E6 - 'Downfall of a Droid' Mini-Review
You Can't Replace R2.
In my least favourite episode of the season so far, R2 goes missing and Anakin experiences problems with his replacement astro-droid, R3. Part of a two episode story arc, this segment offers little in either plot of substance. The opening battle in the first five minutes is the highlight, since after that it becomes immediately obvious that R3 is working for the enemy but everyone appears oblivious to this fact. The fight against the assassin droids was good fun, but ultimately this episode was too simple to be entertaining.
"Trust in your friends, and they'll have reason to trust you"
STORY ARC - Duel of the Droids (1/2)
- Anakin Skywalker
- Ahsoka Tano
- Captain Rex
- R2-D2
- R3-S6
- General Grievous
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Gha Nachkt
- The Bothawui system
- The music played at the beginning as the capital ships approach one another is excerpted from Wojciech Kilar's score for Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992), specifically the track "Vampire Hunters."
- R3-S6's gold and black color scheme is based on Dave Filoni's hometown favorites, the Pittsburgh Steelers
- The 'Jedi fortune cookie' message that opens the show reads "Trust in your friends, and they'll have reason to trust in you." In the original script it was "Friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, impossible to forget."
- Gha Nachkt, or at least his character model, first appeared sitting at a bar in Ziro the Hutt's palace in Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)
- The ATTE RUL3Z text seen in "Rookies" appears once again (though, technically, this one came first... and fits the context quite well), this time on Ahsoka's tactical screen aboard the Resolute. There's some additional text underneath too that says "TAKE THAT GRIEVOUS"
- This was the second episode to be produced. The first episode became part of Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)
- Dave Filoni's first idea for Gha Nachkt's space scavenger, 'Vulture's Claw', was to make it look like field binoculars that could open and close. When this design did not work out, Kilian Plunkett found inspiration from a rusty, greasy dump truck he spotted while driving to work. He took the shape of the truck, duplicated it so there were three and stuck an axis down the middle to create the junk-prowling craft
- The two part 'Droid' storyline takes place before the three part 'Malevolence' one, which was broadcast first. The former show Ahsoka's maneuver between the Separatist frigates which leads Anakin to doubt her flying ability in the latter
- The chest plates worn by Anakin and Obi-Wan were based on designs of ancient Jedi armor
- It was revealed that Gha Nachkt damaged his eye in a cantina fight
RATING: 6/10
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