The Clone Wars S1 E3 - 'Shadow of Malevolence' Mini-Review
Anakin, Ahsoka and Plo Koon join forces with Shadow Squadron to lead an attack on the new Separatist battleship, Malevolence. This episode is fast-paced and full of action, which feels rewarding after last episode's set up. Anakin's connection with his troops is shown for the first time, as he laments the deaths of a number of Shadow Squadron members, again lending weight to the fact that the Republic do truly care about individual clones lives, despite their lack of individual representation in the live-action movies. Overall, the plot was sharp and witty, but most importantly dominated by a brilliant action set-piece which sets a standard for what this show can achieve.
"Easy is the path to wisdom for those not blinded by ego"
STORY ARC - Malevolence (2/3)
- Anakin Skywalker
- Ahsoka Tano
- Plo Koon
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Shadow Squadron
-- Broadside
-- Matchstick
-- Tag
- General Grievous
- Count Dooku
- Admiral Yularen
- Nala Se
- Kaliida Shoals Medical Center
- Kaliida Nebula
- The moral of this episode was changed from the original on the television broadcast version to "Easy is the path to wisdom for those not blinded by themselves.…" The moral was then reverted back to the original on the director's cut of the episode on the Season One DVD and Blu-ray
- When told to launch the ion cannons after Matchstick's death, the battle droid delivers the classic Star Wars line, "I have a bad feeling about this."
- Twice when the ion cannon is fired, the camera shows a close up of the inner section firing the blast. Both screens are an homage to the Death Star firing sequence, where instead of battle droids there are Imperial technicians
RATING - 8.5/10
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