The Office (UK) S2 E1 - 'Merger' Review

The Wrong Foot.

Calamity ensues when the Swindon branch of Wernham Hogg is merged with the Slough branch, whilst David Brent attempts to make a first great impression. (Spoilers: he really didn't)

The second and final season of The Office (UK) kicks off with a bang with a hilarious episode, which seems to have taken all of the best parts of last season and removed the flaws. Awkward silences have been much reduced and replaced with more great one-liners and well-timed gags. Also new faces in the office ensure more screen time for other members of the cast, many of whom served mere cameo roles in the first season.

Brent is back and more absurd than ever, as he attempts to compete against the attractive, young, smooth talking new boss Neil, who ran the old Swindon branch. Naturally, everyone loves Neil and are horrified by David and his inappropriate jokes involving racism and profanity. His jokes are actually quite funny ironically, which again reduces awkward moments into fits of giggles instead. I like that in Neil, David also now has an opponent we can physically see and hear from, and probably learn to hate.

Tim began the episode quite strangely, being weirdly cold towards Dawn and bossing her around. Thankfully, it appears that it was mostly a facade and he spends time flirting with the secretary just like in season 1. This time, the twist was that Lee witnessed Tim as he pretended to dance romantically with Dawn, resulting in a confrontation as Lee charged Tim into the wall. The encounter made for an abrupt ending but also left a good cliffhanger, a factor the show lacked last season. I love that things are moving at a slightly faster pace already in just the first episode - it bodes well for the rest of the season for sure!

Also I had to give a mention to that beautiful rendition of the Muppets 'ma-nah-ma-nah' song, such a perfect way to kick of season two!

Overall, 'Merger' is a great series opener and one of the best Office episodes I have seen so far. Packed with laughs and more than a few inappropriate gags, it seems the show has clearly listened to feedback and created a new and improved formula this time out.


  • Ricky Gervais takes part in an impromptu singing of the Mah-na Mah-na song from The Muppet Show: Juliet Prowse (1977). Gervais later appeared in a deleted scene from The Muppets (2011) (a movie which features the same song) and then played the bad guy in Muppets Most Wanted (2014)
RATING: 7.9/10


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