The Office (UK) Christmas Special - Part 2 Review

Making A Difference.

The Office (UK) reached its conclusion in the second part of the Christmas Special, giving fans the perfect final episode with an extremely satisfying ending.

It sounds like I am over-hyping it but honestly, this finale is just SO good. Gervais and Merchant absolutely nailed the script, providing the best endings for our favourite characters. David Brent, the leading man since the show began, embarks on a dating crusade in this Special, after signing up to online dating. The dates are naturally horrendous, with one ending on the phone after the date asked if he was that "awful boss" from the TV show! David actually has some heart-wrenching scenes in this final instalment, particularly shots of him constantly on the road, eating alone at motorway stops and drinking himself to sleep at night. On top of all of this, Neil has now banned him from the place he loves so dearly - the Wernham Hogg offices. It's fare to say that David had a rough ride here, but that only made the pay-off so much sweeter. Seeing him FINALLY connect with a nice, attractive woman was lovely to see, with many cute moments such as David's giggle of happiness after Carol asks him to call her. It was realistic yet fairy-tale ending for the man who can't seem to catch a break, although even better was how David told Finchy to f*ck off after he insults Carol! I genuinely fist-pumped when he finally stood up to his so-called friend, it felt that rewarding.

Of course the other major plot thread was the reuniting of Tim and Dawn, who after an awkward start immediately hit it off again. I was really hoping Tim wouldn't ask her out again, since he insinuated that he was considering that option, so I was relieved when he decided against doing so in the last seconds of the party. These closing minutes of the episode were undoubtedly the best the show has produced. It started with Tim's beautiful monologue about the workplace and opportunity, which then led to the reveal that he had bought Dawn a painting set for secret santa and told her never to give up. For a couple of brutal minutes, it appears that is actually the end for these two, as they go their separate ways, until that incredible scene where Dawn returns and kisses Tim, revealing that she has broken up with Lee. Timed alongside 'Only You' by Yazoo, it's a satisfying and perfect ending for the lovebirds after the journey they have been on. Even David tries to hide a smile as he sees the pair unite. It made the two seasons of waiting firmly worth it.

The episode then closes with another small monologue, this time from David. He expresses his desire to make a difference and put a smile on everyone's faces, whilst taking one last photo with the Wernham Hogg gang. As the group laugh at David's impressions, only for him to end up looking away from the camera as the photo is taken, I couldn't help but think that Gervais is conveying his beliefs through Brent, as indeed this is what he has achieved through The Office. It is a show about real life problems and real life outcomes, thus making it a relatable comedy that will likely be making people laugh for years to come.

A great ending to a great show.


  • Keith's talk with Lee in the staff room was hilarious and a great call back to similar scenes in the past
  • That stary janitor was back for one last cameo!
  • Loved the small nod to Sheila's hilarious one liner from 'Interview', as she checked out Oliver constantly and cried when he kissed Trudy. A nice, small reference.


  • The Office Christmas special episode was voted the best TV Christmas moment of all time by Radio Times readers in 2014, 11 years after it first aired!
  • Despite David's claims, lemons actually don't have more sugar than strawberries. Strawberries have 4.9g per 100 grams whereas a lemon has 2.5g per 100 grams
  • The pub scene, where Brent meets Susan, was shot in The Foresters Hampton Wick Surrey
RATING: 9/10


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