The Office (UK) S1 E3 - 'The Quiz' Review

Sad Little Men.

Episode 3 of the first series of The Office (UK)  is another solid entry for the show, as we meet the infamous Chris Finch, witness Tim's 30th birthday and see the competitive side of Wernham Hogg.

Yes the titular Quiz drives the story forward this week, as David spends the episode frantically preparing for the event and the arrival of his idolised friend Chris 'Finchy' Finch. Finchy is exactly as expected - a cocksure, narcissistic individual who is shamelessly racist, sexist and rude. David is revealed to be somewhat of a lackey to Finch, laughing at his jokes whilst being repeatedly insulted and belittled by his so-called friend. We also see how desperate both David and Finchy are to maintain their coveted prize of Quiz champions, as it is most likely the only suggestion of success in both the men's lives.

Elsewhere, Tim experiences an underwhelming 30th birthday. It is revealed that the salesman still lives with his parents (resulting in a hilarious gag where David mocks 30 year olds who live with their parents, before backtracking rapidly), and his only present was a radio hat from his mum and an inflatable penis from Dawn and Lee (although it is suggested that it is mainly Lee's idea). From here, the day progresses to reveal that Lee has a short temper and revels in bullying Tim as often as he can. The show-runners are successfully turning me into a supporter of 'Tawn', as Dawn deserves better than her controlling and cruel fiance and Tim appears to be a genuinely good hearted person despite his cockiness and teasing of Gareth. The wedding also sounded awful so hopefully Dawn bails before Cheapo McGee drags her down the registration office and fills her with demon babies.

Overall, episode 3 is funnier than 1 but not as good as 2. The show is seemingly discovering a sense of consistency at least, which suggests the best is still yet to come from The Office (UK).


  • Ricky the intern claims he was on the show Blockbusters - in real life, show-runner Stephen Merchant actually WAS on Blockbusters!
RATING: 7/10


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