
Showing posts from 2020

The Clone Wars S1 E10 - 'Lair of Grievous' Mini-Review

Power. Kit Fisto reunites with his old Padawan Nahdar Vebb to recapture Nute Gunray from Grievous' lair. Instead, they discover that Gunray has escaped and they must battle their way out of the separatist leader's stronghold. It's an entertaining concept and has some good moments, but overall the plot is a bit too thin to warrant a higher rating. Kit Fisto is awesome, but I'm annoyed we won't get to learn any more about Nadhar now that he has been killed. Saying that, his execution was one of the more powerful moments of the series so far, showing how dark this family-friendly show is willing to go. Much like the previous episode did with Ventress, this episode also serves to reinforce the danger that Grievous poses, since previously he has been defeated a number of times. Overall, a solid chapter, if a bit too simple. JEDI MESSAGE "Most powerful is he who controls his own power" STORY ARC - NONE FEATURED CHARACTERS - Kit Fisto - Nadhar Vebb ...

The Clone Wars S1 E9 - 'Cloak of Darkness' Mini-Review

War Crimes. Ahsoka Tano joins forces with Jedi Master Luminara Unduli as they attempt to protect Nute Gunray en route to Coruscant. Asajj Ventress made her return in this episode, proving for the first time what a truly fearsome warrior she can be when she needs to be. It was great to see the villains actually emerge victorious for once, as their constant defeats were growing tiresome. Luminara was also a highlight of this chapter, and her relationship with Ahsoka was fascinating and one that I hope will be developed further in the future. Also, Senate COMMANDOS?? SUCH a dope idea, especially with their gladiator like helmets! JEDI MESSAGE "Ignore your instincts at your peril" STORY ARC - Cloak of Darkness (2/2) FEATURED CHARACTERS - Ahsoka Tano - Luminara Unduli - Asajj Ventress - Nute Gunray - Captain Argyus - Count Dooku - Commander Gree - Yoda - Anakin Skywalker FEATURED LOCATIONS - The Tranquility TRIVIA The Treadwell droid's name is anot...

The Clone Wars S1 E8 - 'Bombad Jedi' Mini-Review

Just A Gungan. If you came into the clone wars hoping to see more of Jar-Jar Binks, then this is the episode for you. I, however, would've been more than happy for the strange Gungan to sit out this animated series, with his irritating character proving enough for me The Phantom Menace . Whilst a journey to a new world is always appreciated and I liked the idea of a suffering, poverty stricken planet struggling to choose between Republic or Separatist support, this chapter was just too empty and predictable for me. JEDI MESSAGE "Heroes are made by the times" STORY ARC - Cloak of Darkness (1/2) FEATURED CHARACTERS - Padme Amidala - C-3PO - Jar-Jar Binks - Chancellor Palpatine - Onaconda Farr - Viceroy Nute Gunray FEATURED LOCATIONS - Rodia TRIVIA The Kwazel Maw underwater monster is based on Ralph McQuarrie's design for a swamp slug creature on Dagobah for Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980). A variation of the same creature ...

The Clone Wars S1 E7 - 'Duel of the Droids' Mini-Review

More Than A Droid. Anakin and Ahsoka rescue R2-D2 from General Grievous in an entertaining clone wars chapter. The episode only really kicked in when the Republic team reached the Separatist station, after which we were treated to a fun mismatch between Ahsoka and Grievous, an intense gunfight in the hangar bay and a wonderfully ridiculous but brilliant battle between R2 and his evil counterpart, R3. Whilst the formula was similar to many other Star Wars rescues, I have given this a higher rating just due to that droid battle at the end. After all, it's not everyday you see R2 in a death match on a collapsing secret station. JEDI MESSAGE "You hold onto friends by keeping your heart a little softer than your head" STORY ARC - Duel of the Droids (2/2) FEATURED CHARACTERS - Anakin Skywalker - Ahsoka Tano - Captain Rex - R2-D2 - R3-S6 - General Grievous - Obi-Wan Kenobi - Gha Nachkt  FEATURED LOCATIONS - Ruusan moon TRIVIA Thang Le designed the sto...

The Clone Wars S1 E6 - 'Downfall of a Droid' Mini-Review

You Can't Replace R2. In my least favourite episode of the season so far, R2 goes missing and Anakin experiences problems with his replacement astro-droid, R3. Part of a two episode story arc, this segment offers little in either plot of substance. The opening battle in the first five minutes is the highlight, since after that it becomes immediately obvious that R3 is working for the enemy but everyone appears oblivious to this fact. The fight against the assassin droids was good fun, but ultimately this episode was too simple to be entertaining. JEDI MESSAGE "Trust in your friends, and they'll have reason to trust you" STORY ARC - Duel of the Droids (1/2) FEATURED CHARACTERS - Anakin Skywalker - Ahsoka Tano - Captain Rex - R2-D2 - R3-S6 - General Grievous - Obi-Wan Kenobi - Gha Nachkt FEATURED LOCATIONS - The Bothawui system TRIVIA The music played at the beginning as the capital ships approach one another is excerpted from Wojciech Kilar...

The Clone Wars S1 E5 - 'Rookies' Mini-Review

Sacrifice. In a highly enjoyable standalone episode, a group of clone rookies attempt to hold of a droid invasion on a distant outpost. I loved the shift in focus from the Jedi to the clone troopers in this episode. Getting to see the inner workings of an everyday clone station turned out to be far more interesting than it sounds, and the humanising of clones continues to be one of the strengths of this series. I also appreciated the realism of war, as I didn't expect so many of the young rookies to be killed in a program targeted towards younger audiences. With great action, genuinely emotional storytelling and a sense of consequences of war, this episode was another strong entry to the series. I think I may have to start being more critical in my analysis, else otherwise these reviews will all end up being pretty highly rated! JEDI MESSAGE "The best confidence builder is experience" STORY ARC - NONE FEATURED CHARACTERS - Commander Cody - Captain Rex - Ser...

The Clone Wars S1 E4 - 'Destroy Malevolence' Mini-Review

All Part of the Plan. In an episode which could've been lifted straight from the live-action movies,  Anakin and Obi-Wan board the crippled Malevolence to rescue Senator Padme Amidala. Only four episodes in, I can already tell I am going to fall in love with this series. Seeing Anakin and Obi-Wan fight side-by-side once more is brilliant, as was the action set-piece centred on the jet-rail trains. I still take issue with the often cringe-inducing dialogue, but the action and plot more than makes up for it. This story-arc has been a great one to kick off the series with, and I struggle to see another one topping this in season one. JEDI MESSAGE "A plan is only as good as those who see it through" STORY ARC - Malevolence (3/3) FEATURED CHARACTERS - Anakin Skywalker - Obi-Wan Kenobi - Ahsoka Tano - Plo Koon - General Grievous - Count Dooku - Padme Amidala - C-3PO and R2-D2 - Admiral Yularen FEATURED LOCATIONS - The Kaliida Nebula TRIVIA Anakin sa...

The Clone Wars S1 E3 - 'Shadow of Malevolence' Mini-Review

Counterattack. Anakin, Ahsoka and Plo Koon join forces with Shadow Squadron to lead an attack on the new Separatist battleship, Malevolence . This episode is fast-paced and full of action, which feels rewarding after last episode's set up. Anakin's connection with his troops is shown for the first time, as he laments the deaths of a number of Shadow Squadron members, again lending weight to the fact that the Republic do truly care about individual clones lives, despite their lack of individual representation in the live-action movies. Overall, the plot was sharp and witty, but most importantly dominated by a brilliant action set-piece which sets a standard for what this show can achieve. JEDI MESSAGE "Easy is the path to wisdom for those not blinded by ego" STORY ARC - Malevolence (2/3) FEATURED CHARACTERS - Anakin Skywalker - Ahsoka Tano - Plo Koon - Obi-Wan Kenobi - Shadow Squadron -- Broadside -- Matchstick -- Tag - General Grievous - Count Do...

The Clone Wars S1 E2 - 'Rising Malevolence' Mini-Review

To Be Expendable. Anakin and Ahsoka launch a desperate rescue mission after Plo Koon's fleet is ravaged by the new Separatist weapon, the Malevolence. This is the first episode I have watched as part of a story arc, and you can tell that much of this episode feels like plot set up for the rest of the arc. However, I loved seeing Plo Koon take centre stage for once, and an entertaining space battle between the clones' pod and the droid hunter was another highlight. Overall, mild character development and new intrigue kept me interested throughout and I look forward to where this arc leads. JEDI MESSAGE "Belief is not a matter of choice, but of conviction" STORY ARC - Malevolence (1/3) FEATURED CHARACTERS - Anakin Skywalker - Ahsoka Tano - Plo Koon - General Grievous - Count Dooku - Commander Wolffe - Sinker - Boost - Yoda - Obi-Wan Kenobi - Mace Windu - Chancellor Palpatine FEATURED LOCATIONS - Abregado System - Bith System TRIVIA Boost...

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Begun, The Clone Wars Have. Despite being an avid Star Wars fan, this is my first time watching through the hit animation Star Wars: The Clone Wars  and I couldn't be more excited! Join me as we explore the CANON events which took place between Episodes II and III of the prequel trilogy! Movie Star Wars: The Clone Wars - 7/10 ( ) TV Show Season 1 1. Ambush - 6.5/10 ( ) 2. Rising Malevolence - 7.5/10 ( ) 3. Shadow of Malevolence - 8.5/10 ( ) 4. Destroy Malevolence - 9/10 ( ) 5. Rookies - 8/10 (

The Clone Wars S1 E1 - 'Ambush' Mini-Review

Larger In Mind. Yoda journeys to Toydaria to convince them to join the Republic in their war against the Separatists. This debut episode is good fun, if a bit predictable. It serves to show Yoda's skill and wisdom in all things, as he guides three clone troopers through an army of droids. It is refreshing to see the ancient Jedi master interacting with his clones for once, addressing them by name and making it clear how each one is important in their own way. It serves to humanise the otherwise identical and generic soldiers we regularly watch get mowed down by droids, pushing a renewed sense of purpose and consequences behind the war effort. The plot itself is rather bland, offering little in substance, but the message behind the episode is important and a nice, easy entrance into this sprawling series. JEDI MESSAGE "Great leaders inspire greatness in others." STORY ARC - NONE FEATURED CHARACTERS - Yoda - Count Dooku - Asajj Ventress - King Katuunko - Th...

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - Movie Review

A Galaxy Divided. Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi embark on a perilous quest to rescue Jabba the Hutt's son from the Separatists in this short but sweet animated movie. Having never watched The Clone Wars  myself, I was a little hesitant about jumping into this more family friendly offering from the universe of Star Wars, but clunky dialogue and cringe aside, this film is a fast-paced and exciting adventure not to be missed by fans of the franchise. Picking up shortly after the beginning of the war at the end of Attack of the Clones , we discover that Anakin and Obi-Wan have been deployed to the Outer Rim as the war rages in this lawless corner of the galaxy. In order to secure trade routes for their armies, the Republic task the pair with retrieving Jabba's son, who has been captured by Count Dooku's apprentice, Asajj Ventress, and so begins our heroes' journey. The big twist here is that Yoda is sending Anakin his first apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, who is quic...

Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) - Season 3 Review

Decisions That Shape Our Destinies. The Clone Wars  micro-series wraps up its three season run with a stellar extended final season, which ties up loose ends in a satisfying fashion whilst paving the way seamlessly into the Revenge of the Sith . Benefiting enormously from longer 12 minute episodes, season 3 of Clone Wars  delivers the show's most engaging story arcs yet, explaining how the stage was set for the final film in the prequel series. It begins, however, by giving us Star Wars fans a glimpse at how exactly Anakin Skywalker ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight. It is a neat prologue which wraps up season two's cliffhanger, whilst depicting the (admittedly awesome) method by which Jedi's are knighted. It adds depth to Anakin's journey and is a rewarding moment for the viewer. This is one of this season's greatest strengths - how it explains even the smallest developments between films. We learn how Anakin's arm becomes black, how he gains his iconi...

Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) - Season 2 Review

Darker The Coming Storm Grows. Building upon all the best aspects of its debut season, season two of Clone Wars  improves in every department as it delivers a compelling story, visually beautiful animation and character development which links smoothly with the film series. In this sophomore season, the show focuses on three very different arc, all of which harbour their own individual strengths. After initially picking up from the season one finale, showing Anakin darting off into hyperspace in pursuit of Count Dooku's apprentice, Asajj Ventress, we are then whisked away to a different corner of the universe. Here we witness Jedi Master Mace Windu in all his glory, as he takes on the droid army invading Dantooine. This arc is the shortest of the season, lasting just two episodes and opting to focus more on action than plot, but it does this in bombastic fashion. Witnessing Windu destroy an entire ARMY with his bare hands (and a bit of help from a lightsaber) is thrilling an...

Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) - Season 1 Review

Fire Across The Galaxy. Star Wars: Clone Wars  is a micro-series made up of 3 minute episodes, as such I have chosen to review each season rather than each episode. Boasting a unique art style and some entertaining stories, this first season of the micro-series is a blast. The major focus of this short series is on the Republic's battle to regain control over Muunilinst from San Hill's Separatist forces. Due to the brief nature of this ten episode season, there is little time for character development or extensive plots, but the show nonetheless manages to tell a world-spanning story focusing on major characters, helped along by excellent animated battles. Obi-Wan's ground forces took on the bounty hunter Durge, a powerful foe unseen in the movies but renowned in the Legends universe. The regenerative enemy is imposing and his destruction of the Republic battalion on the back of a speeder is a sight to behold. He may have ultimately been defeated, but Durge was und...