The Clone Wars S1 E13 - 'Jedi Crash' Mini-Review

Fighting For Freedom.

Ahsoka takes centre stage after Anakin is injured in an average episode of the Clone Wars. Following an epic opening battle in which Anakin rescues Aayla Secura from an orbital dogfight, the team crash land light years away on a remote planet. The planet is populated by creatures who seek to avoid the Clone Wars, thus thrusting our heroes into a battle of wits and words as they discuss the Jedi and their status as peacekeepers in the galaxy. Moral ambiguity aside, this episode is a slow burner with relatively little to keep the viewer engaged. Hopefully the concluding part of the storyline is more exciting

"Greed and fear of loss are the roots that lead to the tree of evil"

STORY ARC - Defenders of Peace (1/2)

- Ahsoka Tano
- Anakin Skywalker
- Aayla Secura
- Captain Rex
- Tee Watt Kaa
- Commander Bly
- Wag Too
- Admiral Yularen

- Maridun


  • When Anakin is being treated aboard the Consular-class frigate, the oxygen mask he wears has the same sound of the breathing of his future self.
  • During the beginning, as Aayla Secura's ship is being pushed into the atmosphere, Anakin and Ahsoka (along with several clones) are seen in Republic gunships with doors open. Being above the atmosphere there would be no oxygen, and the doors should be closed.
  • When the Consular-class cruiser that Anakin sent docks with Aayla's Jedi Cruiser, it is being flown by two clone pilots. However, when Commander Bly arrives on the bridge, one of the pilots has vanished, allowing him to co-pilot the ship.
  • The frigate on which the Jedi escape jumps to hyperspace in the atmosphere. However, it is often stated in various written sources that it is impossible to jump to hyperspace in the atmosphere of a planet (in fact, the entire purpose of a gravity well generator on various Interdictor ships is to mimic the gravity of a planet in order to prevent this).
  • On Decoded, Commander Bly is misidentified as Captain Rex. (Hence: "Wag Too, Ahsoka, and Rex have been running for 17 hours!")
  • In early drafts of "Jedi Crash" and the following episode, the Amani were to be featured instead of the Lurmen
RATING: 6.5/10


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