Constantine S1 E2 - 'The Darkness Beneath' Review

Appeals of Faith.
Constantine remains consistently entertaining in its sophomore episode. John travelled to a small mining town being haunted by freak mine collapses and strange happenings in 'The Darkness Beneath'.
The main plot was relatively simple stuff this week, unlike the more complex and exposition heavy pilot. I enjoyed the Coblynau as a concept and their special effects looked really cool, however it was obvious to me who the real culprit was from the start which was frustrating. Also, all of this talk about the 'rising darkness' just serves to highlight the small scale of this week's episode, which leaves me craving more progression in the overall plot.
This week the real plot progression came in the formation of the partnership between John and new character Zed Martin. Zed was a much better fit as Constantine's partner than Liv ever was, thus although it seems strange to throwaway a lead cast member after the pilot, Constantine just about pulls off the otherwise jarring transition. The banter between the two feels natural and thankfully Zed is more badass and capable than her predecessor. Time will tell how their relationship develops, but the foundations are solid.
The main draw yet again however was Matt Ryan's performance as the dabbler in the dark arts. We were treated to John's prime detective skillset this weak and it was very true to the comics in its authenticity, smooth-talking and goofiness. I really am loving to get to know out titular character, I just wish he had been given another solo season!
Overall, 'The Darkness Beneath' was another great episode led by another brilliant performance from Matt Ryan, although it suffered from a lack of major progression in the overarching plot.

STARRING: Zed, Coblynau

  • The dark and brutal murder at the beginning really set the tone for the episode
  • We finally get the first glimpse of Constantine's title card and it's so cool!
  • The final confrontation was really slick and well done given the budget. It's always fun to watch a demon drag a guilty person down to hell!
  • Loved the final montage and voice-over from John. Is there more to Zed than meets the eye??
- As seen in his driving license, John Constantine's age is given as 10th May, 1982 (which puts his age at 32 at the start of this show). It is also the same year in which Sting played an ambiguously demonic con man in the film Brimstone and Treacle, which led to Moore creating the character of Constantine
- Capnomancy (otherwise known as Libanomancy) signifies a method of divination using smoke. John uses this method to predict lottery numbers and procure money.
- One of Zed's drawings, near her door as she exits, is of a four-headed figure. This creature, which named itself Ironfist the Avenger, was made from the bodies of four football hooligans and was featured in Hellblazer #6.
- Among Zed's drawings is a smoky, fly-like creature. It is visible on the left of the screen as John rises from Zed's couch and announces his job description ('exorcist, demonologist...'). The creature is Mnemoth, an African hunger demon, which was featured in the first two issues of Hellblazer. The illustration appears to be taken from John Ridgway's original drawing in Hellblazer issue 2.
- Zed, the character played by Angélica Celaya, first appeared in Hellblazer #4 (April 1988)and was created by original Hellblazer writer Jamie Delano. She had psychic abilities which are reproduced in the show.
- The church John Constantine (Matt Ryan) is seen entering in the middle of this episode is "St. Asaph". When he was younger, St. Asaph was asked to bring a brand of blazing wood to burn, but he brought live coals in his apron instead. Additionally, local tradition points out the site of his Ash tree, in Flintshire. Furthermore, there is a street named in his honor in Pennsylvania.
- The Welsh and Wales are mentioned several times throughout this episode: Matt Ryan (John Constantine), though playing an Englishman, is in fact Welsh himself. He was born in the city of Swansea, Wales.
- As in the pilot episode, Zed's apartment contains a number of drawings and paintings of Constantine, many of which are taken from Hellblazer covers. Some of the issues visible in this episode include Hellblazer #142 (John in a church rubbing his eyes, by Tim Bradstreet); Hellblazer #86 (John lighting a huge red Earth on fire, by Sean Phillips); Hellblazer #1 (John's face painted in a slightly abstract way, with what appears to be fire behind his head, by Dave McKean); Hellblazer #103 (John walking under a blue sky with a giant skeleton buried under his feet, by Sean Phillips); and Hellblazer #189 (John mockingly closing his hands in prayer, by Tim Bradstreet).
- James Le Gros guest stars in this episode who also starred alongside Keanu Reeves in Point Break. Reeves would go on to star in the feature film version of Constantine.
- At the end of this episode Zed tells Constantine 'I've been waiting for you and you found me. I don't know what I've been waiting for and you don't know what you've found' This is a straight lift of dialogue from the Hellblazer issue 4 'waiting for the man' where he chats up a young psychic graffiti artist named Zed.

RATING: 8/10


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