
Showing posts from December, 2019

Arrow S3 E6 - 'Guilty' Review

Just Another Weapon In His Arsenal. Roy finally got the chance to take centre stage this week for the first time in season three as a mysterious killer tried to set up Ted Grant. I love that the show-runners chose to centre an episode on both Roy and Ted as they are excellent peripheral characters who deserved their time to shine. Ted Grant's story unfolded in the foreground, as his apprentice Isaac Stanzler returned to exact revenge on the mentor who failed him. It was an interesting plot which revealed the truth behind Grant's vigilante past and resulted in both the Ted/Laurel and Oliver/Roy relationships developing in positive ways. I only wish we had got the chance to see Grant suit up, as that would have been the icing on the cake! Roy's journey this week felt slightly rushed, but was also a chance to let Colton Haynes flex his acting repertoire. It was hard watching our beloved sidekick realise he had murdered an innocent man and I really can't remember how ...

The Flash S1 E5 - 'Plastique' Review

Interesting Company. Barry meets his first non-evil meta-human in this episode as Plastique makes her live action debut. The core plot in this episode revolved around the character and her difficult journey. I wasn't entirely fond of Kelly Frye's performance, which felt quite wooden at times despite the harrowing circumstances surrounding the character, but she did bring out the best in Team Flash as they dealt with their failure to help reverse her powers. To be honest, this entire episode was a particualrly emotional journey and the series benefits from it, as Barry learned to deal with failure and friendship. The major subplot saw Barry and Joe attempt to convince Iris to give up her blog. I thought that the reasons behind this were flimsy at best and at this point I am counting down the days until Barry finally tells Iris the truth - after all, Arrow  has overused the theme of secrecy far too much by this point! Despite this, Candice Patton delivered a brilliant all r...

Constantine S1 E3 - 'The Devil's Vinyl' Review

Professional Respect. Constantine and his crew travelled to the Windy City in this episode, where a recording is killing all those who hear it. The premise is slightly silly but ultimately produces a fun, darkly funny and gory episode which is definitely the best of the season so far. The methods the vinyl used to kill those who listened to it were pleasantly graphic and more gross than I expected the show to produce. Although the main plot is fairly predictable, it did involve some great moments including Constantine raising the dead and Papa Midnite making his small-screen live action debut! Midnite was well established in this episode, being at once shrouded in secrecy yet coming across as an enigmatic antagonist to John, one who I hope will reappear fairly soon. John himself continued to be brilliant. Matt Ryan is great with the small ensemble cast he interacts with and the relationships feel genuine and not forced. I was slightly disappointed that he wasn't able to use m...

Arrow S3 E5 - 'The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak' Review

Hacktivism. Felicity took the forefront this episode as she was forced to face her past demons. 'The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak' took a slightly different approach this week, as we delved into Felicity's past life as a hacktivist in college. Its a fun concept and great to finally learn more about the super hacker's past, made all the better by the way the writers make the focus feel natural by connecting it with the present day story-line. It all comes together fluidly to create an entertaining watch, although some may be disappointed by the lack of further progression in the main plot. After seeing Ra's in the closing moments of 'The Magician', it seems strange to not feature him in this episode. In terms of content however, this episode was certainly interesting. I loved the idea that the bad guy was Felicity's supposedly dead ex-boyfriend (let's face it, anyone who is dead in the Arrowverse is basically still probably able to return at ...

Constantine S1 E2 - 'The Darkness Beneath' Review

Appeals of Faith. Constantine  remains consistently entertaining in its sophomore episode. John travelled to a small mining town being haunted by freak mine collapses and strange happenings in 'The Darkness Beneath'. The main plot was relatively simple stuff this week, unlike the more complex and exposition heavy pilot. I enjoyed the Coblynau as a concept and their special effects looked really cool, however it was obvious to me who the real culprit was from the start which was frustrating. Also, all of this talk about the 'rising darkness' just serves to highlight the small scale of this week's episode, which leaves me craving more progression in the overall plot. This week the real plot progression came in the formation of the partnership between John and new character Zed Martin. Zed was a much better fit as Constantine's partner than Liv ever was, thus although it seems strange to throwaway a lead cast member after the pilot, Constantine  just about pu...