
Showing posts from January, 2019

Marvel's Jessica Jones - Season 2 review

Progression via the past Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter) is an extremely complex character, whose past is unearthed and examined in this second season of one of Netflix's better Marvel shows.   This season sees our heroine develop in meaningful ways, as she is forced to relive the tragedy of the death of her family whilst solving the mystery of her origin and the impossible dilemma of her super powered mother, back from the dead. Our other titular characters Trish, Malcolm and Jeri are given stronger story-lines this season which allow them too to progress and evolve, resulting in a season which, whilst uneven and slow in places, delivers intriguing character development and moves the world of  Marvel's Jessica Jones  forward in a satisfying way. The plot itself would be my main gripe with the series. Season 1 was brilliant at pacing its story, benefiting from the incredible villain that was Kilgrave (David Tennant) and storytelling which was thrilling and...